Make your workplace a: Elf-Friendly Workplace Employees are More Productive

In An Elf-Friendly Workplace, Employees are More Productive



   By John Wolf

Why Elf-Friendly Workplace makes Happy and Engaged Employees

Santa’s elves are happy on their job, and this is why. There are universal principals for the creation of a work environment that have the employees comfortable working on full throttle as the North Pole team is doing.

A workplace that achieved Santa’s workshop environment will show excitement, positive employees morale, engagement, high motivation, and better production coming from a happy workforce.

If you want to have a workplace and happy workforce, you can. Creating an elf-friendly workplace will guarantee to make employees happy, too.

Why Elves Are Happy at Work

Elves are happy workers. At Santa’s workplace on the North pole, you will like to focus on creating a work culture that will be elf-friendly, fun, and engaging. Here are some pics about how to make elves happy at work.

Santa’s elves purpose is more significant than themselves.

Elves are admired and envied specialists on customer intelligence gathering.

The elves are very simple and get the information by just asking the customers. The Santa’s in the mall do not talk with the customers; they are listening to them and hear what they want. The elves read the letters customer write them and have another way to stay close to their customers.

Santa’s workshop and the elves are a group that faces an integrated organization that its sole objective is to produce a product that their customer need, want, or asked for.

Their customers are not only happy but delighted and become the evangelist word of mouth of your products or brand.

Elves feel needed and secure in their job.

Elves are very busy sending the customers their orders; they have more orders for the girls and boys then they can fill. Elves know that there are more good girls and boy than bad once and their hands will be full of work and their jobs are secure. Feeling secure about their jobs make employees happy.

Having this essential peace of mind about their job let the elves invest all their energy in building, creating, sharing, and producing a supportive and happy work environment. Where elves work, there is no bad energy.

Mission and vision are with elves minds.

Elves know that there are no delays for Christmas deliveries. They will do everything that is needed to accomplish the delivery on time. The elves mission is crystal clear to satisfy the customer according to the customer’s feedback.

Elves are taking their vision seriously and bring joy to all the girls and buys, all year around.

Their vision is a call that keeps elves moving on the cold weather under the snow and wind to bring the Christmas gifts to the children.

Elves know the impact of their work. They know that they have an essential effect on children all over the world. The impact of their gifts and service is influencing the whole year around. Boys and girls play and cherish the .memories from Christmas time with family and friends.

Picture and short videos bring memories back to life.

Knowing about this impact makes employees happy with their work. Elves know that they influence millions of people what makes them get up from bed every day of the year.

The elves boss must be accessible, with excellent communication traits, equal, and fair. Every elf matters and his ideas are sincerely discussed and taught if it can make the children even happier, the boss does not care from whom is the idea, only if the concept is good to use in real life.

All the elves share credit on work and ideas, do not they work together under Santa’s leadership? Santa knows how to lead gently with no micromanaging driving them crazy and interfering the regular work.

Promoting Employee Happiness Benefits Everyone

Elves gain perks and benefits that make them feel they are important and cherished by Santa and the children.

Mrs. Claus sharing her famous cookies in the workshop with the elves dressed their costumes, given by Santa, bringing a smile on the children’s faces and the elves too.

Elves can grow their skills and abilities in the workshop.

. Elves not only learn a new way of production and innovations in the off sessions. They use the time to make thing better for the workshop and better toys for the kids.

Promotion is rare, and there is a flat hierarchy ruling in Santa’s workshop. They train the elves to do new jobs at the same toy production, and elves move laterally increasing their skills.

Repetitive work can be annoying, and the way elves do to avoid the boredom is by being trained to do multiple jobs on the production frequently change positions.

Engaged elves are learning, and maintaining their skills updated on the minute, on Santa the elves and the Christmas tradition for the little kids and the older children of the world, are secured for the generation to come.

Trust and respect diffuse into the work environment of the elves during the days.

Elves feel much valued. In Santa’s workshop the interaction, conduct, and interaction of the leader and employees radiate trust, respect, confidence in and value. Elves believe in “action speak so loudly” That means that Elves now by looking at what the leader does.

Elves get an abundance of positive feedback and recognition, not only from the happy children but from Santa every day Working in a place that all employees are happy to produce more positive feedback to share.

When positive feedback is produced in the workshop, elves do not need to compete for it.

Happy employees recognize their co-workers, and they are happy to help them to feel valued. Elves are always smiling because they are so glad for themselves and their colleagues.

Study: Being happy at work really makes you more productive

Those are not the only factors that make elves happy at work; these are the basic and most influencing once.

If you implemented on a daily base these factors that make elves happy at work, you have made most of the way towards creating an employee-friendly culture. Elves (employees) know.

Your working place, your company or business are your creation, your life your whole spirit is invested in it, you must be worried about having the best result for you to be happy. You can not be happy alone, and you must share it with the most important and influencing part of it, your employees.

What Workers Crave More Than Money

What employees need the most

You can have money, take a loan if you have credit, machinery you buy with cash and know how or technology you can buy too. Your employees will respond not only to a paycheck, but you also have to build your organization’s culture, make your people feel happy to come to work, to think that they are valued more them the sum on the paycheck. Humans need money to survive fiscally and love and care to survive emotionally. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Paystub

Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.


