There is much more to learn about Insurance and payroll. ( Part 9)


Presented by      By John Wolf and Tom Cullen CPA

There is much more to learn about Insurance and payroll. Pay stubs are important for you, let us help you make them.

Split-Dollar Life

Split-dollar is an arrangement for purchasing a life insurance contract where the employee and the company split the premium and death benefit of a permanent life Insurance contract. Normally, the employer pays the amount of the annual cash value increase in the policy, and the employee pays the difference between that amount and the full premium. In the early policy year, before the cash value begins to build up, the employee’s required contribution is substantial. In later years, however, the employee’s contribution may drop to zero. At death, the employer receives the cash value, and the employee’s heir gets the amount at risk, i.e., the difference between the face amount and the cash value. Federal Fast Wage and Tax Facts 2021

Business Tax Credits IRS

Bills for payroll

Note: Many variations have developed on the “basic plan” outlined above. Often the employer will even pay the entire premium but still split the proceeds at death (referred to as a “noncontributory plan”). Sometimes the employer will permit the employee to contribute a level amount over the expected premium-paying period, rather than the high initial amounts.

Father and Son

Payroll is your family’s main life support.

Low-Cost Term Insurance

The plan gives the employee what is in effect term insurance at a reduced cost and doesn’t cost the employer anything because the company gets its money back on the employee’s death. The policy’s cash value belongs to the company. Such plans can discriminate in favor of highly compensated employees. Cheapest Life Insurance Companies of 2021

Self-Employed Individuals Tax Center IRS

I love cost

Regulatory Requirements

ERISA imposes regulatory requirements upon employee welfare benefit plans, which include split-dollar insurance plans, even though employee welfare benefit plans are exempt from the participation, vesting, and plan termination insurance provisions of ERISA. The Department of Labor has issued regulations that largely exempt split-dollar plans from the reporting and disclosure requirements of the law (DOL Reg. §2520.104).

Ten steps to perfect small business payroll this year

Tax collector


Since the employer is a beneficiary of the policy, there is no deduction for any portion of the premium that it pays (§264(a)(1)). This is true even though some portion of the employer’s premium payment is a taxable economic benefit to the employee (R.R. 64-328)). Likewise, employees cannot deduct any portion of a split-dollar premium. Moreover, employees are taxed on the total value of the insurance protection received during the year less any payments made by them (R.R. 67-154). However, neither the employer nor the heirs are taxed on the proceeds at death (§101(a) and R.R. 64-328).

Step-by-Step Guide to Payroll for Small Businesses

Revenue Ruling 64-328


In R.R. 64-328, the IRS decided that the employee receives a taxable benefit under any variety of the split-dollar plan. The tax aspects of the use of dividends from participating policies were covered in R.R. 66-110, and again, the form of the split-dollar plan was deemed to be inconsequential. R.R. 64-328 expressly denies the corporation a deduction for its share of the premiums on a split-dollar plan. However, this ruling may not entirely preclude the corporation from deducting the taxable economic benefit that is reportable by the employee.

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney, and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states, which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only.