2023 Choose Online Pay Stubs Generator over Spreadsheets

Presented by Paystrubmakr.com      By John Wolf and Tom Cullen CPA

2023 Choose Online Pay Stubs

Why should you prefer online pay stub over Excel sheets when it comes to managing payroll? Find out the reasons here…

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Do you still waste your precious time on a spreadsheet program like Excel to manage your payroll?

James the barber and his paystub

Spreadsheets perform complex calculations and give you a familiar accounting layout, but are they efficient for something as crucial as your payroll?
Using a spreadsheet means sitting in front of a PC, making sure about the formulas you have to build with all the payroll tax rates.
The payroll process involves calculating, reporting, and submitting payments for taxes and employee benefits. Using Excel or any other spreadsheet program takes time and effort. Besides the risk of errors in data, formulas, broken links, and mistakes due to modification, you can also lose your employee’s data stored in Excel due to technical issues or human error.

How to generate a pay stub online

An automated pay stub is made using a smartphone. On the other hand, it helps you save time, avoid costly errors, and get an accurate result. How?
All you need to do is enter your information into the spaces in the template. It automatically calculates the pay stubs and net pay of your staff based on your criteria.

Here are some benefits of using online Pay Stubs over spreadsheets:

  • Quicker and Easier Calculations:

An online pay stub app that manages all types of payments, from basic salary and hourly wages to more complex functions like bonuses, incentives, deductions, commissions, and overtime, thereby eliminating the need for manual paycheck writing, is an invaluable tool.

  • Enhanced Record keeping:

The IRS has made it mandatory for employers to save employment tax records for at least four years, while the U.S. Department of Labor requires keeping payroll records for at least three years. That means you must fill out several paper forms that must be saved and stored. An automated pay stubs generator saves and stores the data related to employment tax and payroll for you minimizing the hassles of paperwork.

  • User-Friendly:

You don’t need accounting “know-how” or technical expertise to operate online pay stubs. It doesn’t require you to enter formula or programming either. All you need to do is fill in the fields given.

  • Improved Transparency:

By using online pay stub software, you can allow your employees to access the information online. By viewing and reviewing their payroll, employees can make sure that they were paid correctly and understand their allowances/deductions. It leads to improved transparency in your workplace, which in turn promotes a better working atmosphere.

Pay Stub

Now you can see that an online pay stub generator delivers many benefits that can save you time, money, and a lot of unnecessary hassles while managing the payrolls.

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Learn how to create your pay stub
