Vacation time recharges US workers; positive effects vanish within days

Vacation time recharges US workers; positive effects vanish within days


The majority of US workers are taking time off that them to experience positive results and alleviate the stress and improve their well-being at home and better job performance. Unfortunately for about two-thirds of working adults. According to survey the impact of this vacation are dissipated in a short time, a week or two.

The American Psychological Association released a survey telling that a quarter of working adults confirmed that positive effects of vacation such as less stress and more energy disappear soon after that they returned to work. 40% claimed that the benefits last only a few days.

APA’s 2018 survey on Work and Well-Being was conducted online among 1,512 U.S adults. David W. Ballard, PsyD, MBA said:

But employers shouldn’t rely on the occasional vacation to offset a stressful work environment. Unless they address the organizational factors causing stress and promote ongoing stress management efforts, the benefits of time off can be fleeting. When stress levels spike again shortly after employees return to work, that’s bad for workers and for business. Employers can do better.”

The Survey on Work and Well-Being describes the U.S. workforce status of employee well-being, and attitudes and opinions related to the working environment policies and practices. The effect of vacation time on employee well-being and work was given special attention at this year survey.

The majority of the working Americans reported positive effects of taking vacation time.


The majority of working Americans reported positive effects of taking vacation time and said when they return to work their mood is more positive (68 percent) and they have more energy (66 percent) and motivation (57 percent) and feel less stressed (57 percent). Additionally, working adults reported that, following time off, they were more productive (58 percent) and their work quality was better (55 percent).”

Despite this, about one in five (21 percent) said they feel tense or stressed out while on vacation, more than a quarter (28 percent) said they wind up working more than they planned to and 42 percent reported that they dread returning to work”.

Tips on how to enjoy the most of time out of the office are frenetically offered on Websites and magazine articles putting the responsibility on the individual employee leaving the importance of organizational factors.

The availability of adequate paid time off. Read what the USA Today is writing in its article USA Today


The United States is the only developed country in the world without a single legally required paid vacation day or holiday. By law, every country in the European Union has at least four work weeks of paid vacation.”

The lake of effective work-life policies and practices, the American concept of hard working as a model of being American, play a significant role in how employees achieve maximum recharge. A culture that does not support time off is woven throughout all aspects of the workplace.”

Wikipedia Leave day in the world

The majority (59%) of an organization’s culture does not encourage employees to take time off

Employees of an organization that support and encourage vacation reported having more motivation (71 percent). While caming from the organization doesn’t promote time off stated only (45 percent).

  • They were more willing to express:

  • The productivity improved (73%vs. 47%)

  • The quality of their work was improved (70% vs. 46%)

  • They are feeling more valued by their boss (80% vs. 37%),

  • They are feeling satisfied at the job (88% vs. 50%)

  • Treated well by the employer (88% vs. 47%)

  • They say they would recommend their organization workplace (81% vs. 39%).

  • 64% of the employees In organizations that do care about vacations to their employees said that employer help them manage their stress with sufficient resources

  • 35% of the USA workforce reported experiencing chronic work stress, and feel tense or stressed out,

  • 41% said their employer provides adequate resources for curing the stress.

Low wages are a significant source of work stress. Claimed close to half 49% of U.S.A workforce.

More claimed reasons for feeling stressed:

  • Lack of opportunity for a growing career (46 %),

  • Workload overweight or unrealistic job requirement and long hours of 42% and 39%.

The survey studied at the effect of employees having access to adequate mental health resources. Only 50% say their employer provides help to their mental health needs.

With adequate resources provided t the employee’s mental health, 33% of employees complained that they are stressed out during the workday. When the psychiatric help is not granted the percentage of stressed employees went up the 59%

Employees provided with mental health services (73%) say their employer helps them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When the mental health services were not given only 14%, say their employer helps them to maintain a healthy lifestyle

“Chronic work stress, insufficient mental health resources, feeling overworked and under supported — these are issues facing too many workers, but it doesn’t have to be this way,” Ballard said.

It is clear that working hard is good, but vacation and rest are essential factors when you are looking for the health of your employees and the performance of your workforce.