Improve Employee Satisfaction Surveys Here Are Five Recommendations For You.

 Improve Employee Satisfaction Surveys Here Are Five Recommendations For You.



   By John Wolf

Improve Employee Satisfaction Surveys Here Are 5 Recommendations For You.

An employer that wants to know how the workforce really feels, in what areas they feel satisfied and in what areas there is dissatisfaction will have to use satisfaction surveys and facilitated focus groups. To get an accurate and reliable result, employee satisfaction surveys or focus group questions have to be like the following examples:

These questions were developed by people that learned and understood how to make the right questions to obtain unbiased knowledge and information;

How to Conduct an Employee Focus Group

  • Asking inappropriate care, considering the organization’s culture and communication;
  • The question was analyzed by surveyors experienced in research and survey analysis.

As soon as the survey was analyzed and the results are in hand, the organization will take the results of the surveys to use for building a relationship of trust, honesty, integrity, and honor among the workforce members. The organization managers will have to see how the implementation is succeeding or failing.

In this article, we will present five suggestion about how to practice when conducting an employee survey and focus groups.

The data that is recollected from the employees is confidential on the personal level but using it as the whole package with no name on it will be used to improve the workplace. If you can get the employees to respond openly and comfortably the truth it will be the best information that will give you the best conclusions.

The employer is looking to survey employee satisfaction or the satisfaction of the customers in the purpose of sending a message of openness to the employee’s input. Another reason is to understand what is really on their employee’s mind.

Employee-oriented businesses will not use the information gathered negatively, putting in danger the employee’s privacy. Starting with an open way will teach the employees that you are a well-trusted employer that will use the information in the best interests of your employees.

Good advice is to tell the employees that the purpose of the conversation is to share information for a common benefit.

How to Run an Employee Engagement Focus Group

Your promise that you will be confidential and use the information to help the company to make positive progress.

The Asked Questions Have to Really Matter

No one knows your company better than your employees that work every day in your organization. You can choose a small group of workers to determine the topic of the questions to ask. The questions should relate to the understood likes and dislikes and the challenges your staff experienced in the workplace.

After that, you determined the topics of the questions you are going to ask, make your list of questions accordingly. Evaluate your question making sure that you are not asking the question that will bring you the desired response, vague, or open to different interpretation by different employees.

Leading questions will not open the information and reaction that will inform you of the reality at your place.

For example, a leading statement that will be responded a biased answer: My boss’s door is always open to another example of a statement that will lead you wrong is: My career’s growth and my satisfaction of my job are improved by the performance development planning (PDP) process.

Focus Group

Longtime experienced survey companies have made a list of questions that have been shown as effective by the years of employees or clients satisfaction in any organization.

Employee Focus Groups or Survey Processes has to be held at Your Work Site

Having the activities at home will send the message that it is safe to talk about employee satisfaction, having the surveys outside may send the opposite message and damage the open talk that you need while having the survey or the focus group activity done.

The Best Employee Engagement Strategy Is From The Bottom Up

Make sure that there will be no doubt that it is safe to share information, that the company cares about your opinions, ideas, and feelings. The space you provide must be perceived by the employees as safe and privet enough for the participants to feel free to talk.

You can not lose control of your data.

The information that you need does not need to have the name of whom said it, you need to know that ten employees said it while the other twenty did not mention the same thing. This data is the base of the survey’s conclusion.

Accessing the data will let you the tool to learn the different opinions of your workforce.

Reading the data and make the analysis will let you have your own assessment of your employee’s satisfaction.

Hiring a professional statistician to professionally analyze the data is needed when the data is not easy to analyze buy the surveyors.

Employees Should Not Self-Select the Participants in Surveys and Focus Groups

Do not let your employees select the participants for the survey or the focus group.

When you let the employees select the participants you can have no balanced group but the one-sided selection, it is because of the more active workers will jump ahead and create a group made of one type of employees.

To have a valid result, you can include all the employees or make a random selection method will make the selection to ensure enough participants that will represent the average that will show the real situation.

Employee Satisfaction Surveys Conclusions

The survey can be done by Paper and pencil, an online survey. Or any sophisticated process to assess Your employee’s satisfaction.

We reviewed the five important factors for a survey about your workers’ satisfaction. Do not forget to use them, avoid a false assessment and using the wrong idea of how your people are feeling at the workplace.

You can get the wrong result if you do not have a good surveyor or select wrongly the employees. It will be worst if you send the wrong message about the safety of communication in your company. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Paystub

Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.