How to positively Feedback Employees

How to positively Feedback Employees and Helps Them to Improve



   By John Wolf 

You can feedback your workforce in different styles. The right method will be the one that will make the right impact on your employees. The decisive feedback goal is to improve your Workforce performance. You tell the employee, how you see the performance that the was job done. What is needed to do better, and what is done very good, so you encourage them to keep doing the excellent job they do and improve it as possible. We will review the best guidelines for you to get the best approach to feedback to your employees.

Positive feedback

The Best ways to Provide Feedback

  • Your feedback must be specific and detailed, not general and vague. Do not limit yourself to say “good report,” tell the person that made the report what is well done, and what is that you like on it, like well-written, understandable, and points are made manifest.

    The first purpose of constructive feedback is to guide the employee what specific behavior we are interested to see more of him. Giving superficial feedback that does not make a profound impact, your employee will forget it in a short time, with no change in his or her contribution. Positive feedback will have board information about the good points of the job done. The employee and will produce the change you are looking for, a worker that cares about better contribution and a high level of discretionary energy.

    The Feedback Balance

  • You have to focus on specific behavior, not on a person or his or her intentions. If you have competing conversations during a staff meeting, let all the point be heard equal.

  • Good feedback will help, to the worker to make an even better job. You will show him what a can do better and how he can improve the results of his or her work. Do not try to cover intentions under fake positive feedback. Never forget that people have this radar that tells them when you are bluffing them.

  • Successful feedback will have information or ideas that are useful for the employee. The feedback that the employee can do something with it.  Your feedback should be more than a few words about the work your employee had done. Feedbacking can have tools like training. And the time to spend with him or her, or some technical support that will help the employee to accomplish the goal that you put him or here to achieve.

  • People like to hear what they asked for better then what was told them as the authority. The terms like “may I suggest,” or when your employee asked you to give your feedback. She would certainly listen to you with attention and intention to do what she heard.

    Giving Effective Feedback

  • Your feedback will have a much better effect if it will be made close to the action that caused the need to feedback the employee. Recent experience and feedback about it will be easier to understand. Coming one week later talking about something that is already forgotten or even worst, lost its relevance.

  • Feedback about the “why,” will arise defensiveness attitude. Lake of listening to the essential parts which are, what was done on this job.

    An effective way will be asking about what happened? How did it happen? How can we prevent it from happening in the future? How can we do better? What does the employee need us to do in the future to help not making some mistakes in the future?

  • Communication is not just telling your employee something, and expecting him to react correctly. You have to make sure you were heard and wholly understood. You are close to your people. Watching their reaction on your feedback is what confirm that the feedback is producing the changes you were looking for when you made it. There is a military saying, “orders you gave and never confirmed execution are the same as the orders you never gave.

Tips that will Provide you the Most Effective Feedback

  1. Your feedback should be communicated to your employees. Or your team with regards to the behavior they have on another employee. The organization or the customers.

  2. Positive feedback is telling one of your employees about excellent performance. Keep making this feedback as a routine, on apparent specific issues and frequently.

  3. Constructive feedback or constructive criticism to the part of the job or one task of the employee responsibilities could improve. Only criticism will create bad feelings and no improvement. Feedback should not go to the person but to the action.

  4. By talking about what was happening and looking together how to do it better, you will have an improvement in the results and happy employees.

  5. Recognition for success will make a powerful motivator. Humans need to be recognized, once they feel satisfied with their job they will increase their motivation and their contribution.



Read the study


  • Mats Eklöf
  • Mats Hagberg
  • Allan Toomingas
  • Ewa Wigaeus Tornqvist

Feedback of workplace data to individual workers, workgroups or supervisors as a way to stimulate working environment activity: a cluster randomized controlled study


Objective: To test whether feedback and discussion of ergonomic and psychosocial working-environment data during one short session with individual, groups or supervisors of white-collar computer workers had an effect on activity to modify workplace design, working technique and psychosocial aspects of work. Methods: A total of 36 workgroups from nine organizations representing different trades was randomized (stratified for organization) to three feedback conditions or control with no feedback. Data were collected 1 month before and 6 months after feedback sessions. The effects studied were: (1) change in the proportion of workgroup members who reported any modification regarding workplace design or working technique; (2) change in the proportion of workgroup members who reported any modification regarding psychosocial aspects; (3) average number of modification types regarding workplace design or working technique per individual in a workgroup; (4) average number of modification types regarding psychosocial aspects per individual in a workgroup. Results: All feedback conditions differed positively from controls regarding change in the proportion of workgroup members who reported any modification in workplace design or working technique. No such effect was found for psychosocial aspects. For change in average number of psychosocial modification types per individual in a workgroup an effect was observed for feedback to supervisors. No intervention effect was observed for the average number of modifications in workplace design or working technique per individual in a workgroup. Conclusion: Feedback and discussion of ergonomic and psychosocial working-environment data during one short session with individual, groups or supervisors of white-collar computer workers may have a positive effect on how many people in a workgroup modify (or have modifications done regarding) workplace design and working technique. Feedback to supervisors may have an effect on the average number of psychosocial modification types per individual in a workgroup. Feedback to group supervisors appeared to be the most cost-effective variant. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Paystub

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