From a small company to managing a big enterprise Part 2/2 presents the last part of the article about small company vs big enterprise

A car loan needs a paycheck stub

Management is a guide and control, give orders and confirm its execution

The difference that distance and volume make for small or big business managers. There are two significant differences between managing a small business and big business; big business requires stronger and precise controls on the advance of all the different managing and day to day parameters. Reports should be made by the manger’s stuff and be read carefully by the head of the corporation.

The Perfect Boss Dr.Axel Zein TED Video

What is not reported is not controlled and what was not measured is not done.”

In a small business, the manager can not invest that much on stuff for writing reports and his time to read the reports is limited, he will be checking what is going on by himself. Mostly knowing closely the small details of the operation. A small business head will concentrate and closely inspect in what he knows better. Palling into Micromanagement Intervening in all the levels and aspects is typically small business managing.

Future Manager starts from childhood.

Micromanagement Urban Dictionary

A small business boss that was promoted to or moved to a bigger business manager he must evolve changing and growing to be able to stop being involved in the whole aspect and all issues. There is a process of taking distance and delegate the power to his past close teammates. The point of change is the moment he understood and conceived that he could not do it all by himself, help and assistance is needed.

The payroll must have a paystub

What to delegate

Selection must be made between what one does and what the delegates, especially decision making, what are those that are those that are the leader’s role and what he can leave to the subordinates.

Failing to delegate or choosing the wrong people for his team, like promoting the old friends from the lower level or not being able to treat the subordinate with distance and leadership can result disastrously for the person himself and the business he tried to manage.

You can can leadership detect at a young age.

Wile in the small operation training of new employees can be made by the same manger that can be the best in the production or service that the business is dealing with. In a big enterprise, the system must be different; there will be a training department for the newcomers with as good as the manager in the field. The promoted manager should learn how to control the head of training but leave him space to do his job. In a big organization, the system has its own life.

The little boss

Good manager provide his stuff with Paystubs 


Logistic can be a problem for those people that come from a small company; it is easy to manage when there are only a few shipments or only a small team to move to locations that are far from the main base. Things are way different when logistics involves Land, Sea, and Air in greater volumes; The change must be a specialist that will take care the logistics with an experienced mind.

There is a profound difference between a small company or a department in a big corporation. Schedules or timetables are much faster and dense. There are more meetings to participate as a leader and above all taking decisions on the correct timing (Some decisions must be fast) is the essence for being a manager, leader, boss or head of the organization.

Paystubs in a small company 


 The critical change when reaching the executive level can find the right people to work with, prepare them for the future changes and mark the short and long goals for the operation.

The skills of a successful manager of a big company:

  • Capacity to feel the people that work with him (not for him)

  • Taking good decisions.

  • Standing under pressure when things are not going well.

  • Adapts himself to any unique situation he encounters.

Employees must get their paycheck and payroll, a manager must confirm it.

Start managing in a small company gives time to learn the basics. The challenges are much similar; the same skills are important for both cases. Except for the capacity of adaption to new environments, One successful small company manager can pass his life as successful manager of the same size operation while others can try big enterprise with success or failure, it depends on the skill to adapt to the new reality of a larger operation.The higher your position, the fewer details you can see below, so the more information you leave for, the lower management, and those details are under the relations with the lower and middle management. . A CEO of a large entity must have his control and communication systems well made and perfectly executed.

Companies Payroll and Paystubs 


  • Ignoring emotional factors when taking decisions, build management based on trust.

  • Taking decisions based on sharing a professional mechanism, not a guess working.

  • Avoiding centralization of power, delegate to the subordinates the operative and production management and focus on strategic planning like increasing the potential benefits. Let subordinates to take decisions on their level following general strategic guidance.

  • Establish formal processes emphasizing the use of technology for performance measuring. Evaluation and compensation and managing system for projects and marketing.

  • Managing the relations with the board of directors, understanding the different powers and interests beyond the board members.

  • Create a system that follows up the employees and encourages the employees to develop to board positions or climb up the hierarchy. Make clear rules for how and when you rewards the employees team thanks you for visiting its website