Go Green with A Pay Stub Calculator


Presented by Paystrubmakr.com      By John Wolf and Tom Cullen CPA

How to calculate net income using pay stub online software

When you start a new job or get an appraisal, your first step might be attempting to calculate the size of each of your paychecks. Calculating the taxes, benefits, and deductions without a paycheck calculator is difficult.

With the advent of technology, many advanced software programs, and online calculators have been introduced for the convenience of employees, contractors, and entrepreneurs everywhere. These electronic paychecks have made the process of payroll management more manageable and simpler as there is no need to pile pays checks up or the fear of them getting misplaced. Tracking and organizing check stubs is very simple, which is important as it is the law to maintain them in your records.   Tax Withholding Estimator

These online pay stub calculators are helping us to go green. Do you want to know how? Take a look:

  • Fast Access

An online pay stub calculator is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and hence there is no time constraint. Also, the steps of login and registration can be skipped which provides even faster access to instant stubs any time of day and anywhere, with only a minimum requirement of basic access information.

A streamlined paycheck calculator makes quick computations and usually doesn’t require any manual calculations and hence within few clicks, the stub is ready.

  • Eco-friendly

Online is a simple, paperless way of generating pay stubs. The paychecks created can directly be forwarded to the employees’ mailbox in case of small or large businesses. You can create any number of pay stubs online and they can be easily downloaded and saved to the desktop and can be retrieved whenever the need arises hence there is no need for them to stack up. Printouts can be produced when necessary to be utilized for filing tax returns or while applying for a loan or other credit facility, either from banks or finance companies.

  • Easy Storage

Paychecks made using online pay stub calculators come with no expiration date for the downloaded stubs until and unless they are being forwarded to a mailbox. These online calculators offer various, convenient storage solutions, hence beneficial for small and large business owners as well as for freelancers, as it removes the headache of maintaining each and every physical stub. Business owners are required to keep a track record of payments made to their employees for 7 years to be prepared for a possible IRS audit.    Thus, it is mandatory to maintain this organizational data, but with the use of online storage solutions, the heaps of paper are eliminated through the use of such flexible storage options.

  • Easy to track deductions

The amount deducted from the gross salary can be easily tracked with the help of an online calculator, making it feasible for employers and employees to look up these amounts whenever reporting or analysis is desired. Every deduction made from individual employees’ check stubs is clearly included, thus allowing anyone to pinpoint the subtractions made, which helps in determining what contributes to the net payroll payment deposited in the bank account.  This is great to be able to see what taxes reduce income as well as what items are employee benefits or employee bonuses.

After reading about the various benefits of online pay stub calculators above, if you’re still thinking about how can I get my check stub online, then visit https://paystubmakr.com/.

paystumbmakr.com team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog    Pays tub online       About pay stubs

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Learn how to create your pay stub



Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney, and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states, which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only.

Pay Stub Maker Demo Template

You can build your pay stub right now. It is an instant pay stub. A real check stub with your deductions and income. As soon as you provide payment, you can print it, download it and we’ll email it to you just to make sure!