Go With the Millennials Working With a Flexible Schedule

Working With a Flexible Schedule


   By John Wolf

The flexible schedule and work out of the workplace are some things that were invented as a result of the use of computers and Internet in every office work that exists. Together with the use of the internet in almost all aspects of life.

These days work can be executed at any place, and any time with a laptop and Internet connection, this new reality created the option of working in a different schedule than the traditional 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

A flexible schedule permits the employees to work his 8 hours a day or 40 weekly hours out of the traditional schedule; they can come and go on their schedule.

Flexable schedule Exempt employee is a term that refers to a category of employees set out in the Fair Labor Standards Act. They do not receive overtime pay, nor do they qualify for the minimum wage.”

Some years ago flexible schedule was not more than the permission to work 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. every day as an option that let the employee one extra hour in the morning exchanging this hour with one hour at the afternoon. The old way was replaced because of the demand of today’s employees. Especially the Millennial employees.The Death of the 9-to-5: Why We’ll All Work-Flex Schedules Soon

The new generation requires a new order in working schedules and even that flexible schedules that can be changed according to the needs of their lives at any moment.

To may had this experience as fathers or as children, the need to go to see the teacher talk about your child behavior or asking your parents to come to school for some activity that requires at list one of the parent. To be able to resolve this situation you need to ask your boss permission to leave you to work or take a day off. This kind of needs can be easy to manage if you work under a flexible schedule, you make sure that you can come at a later hour or the next day to accomplish the job you have — more about the flexible working schedule. The same will be when you have an appointment with the doctor or any other needs that life bring to you.

A  non-exempt workplace will be an industrial, manufacturing, warehouse or customer servicing like a store, medical caregiving or any workplace that must have its workforce present at the regular working hours. The flexible schedule is depending on the grade of interdependence that the work has. A doctor can not work without the nurse, so if a nurse needs a free afternoon, she will need to find another nurse to replace here. The same will happen in a factory that has a production line that must have all the team that works on this line.

The employee that like to work on a flexible schedule will need to be able to cover all aspects of his job during the time that his service is needed. Flexible working. Sounds great, but is it working

In a Flexible Workplace Environment, the employer expects that in all flexible schedule the worker will work the require will work the full daily hours. A compressed work week or flexible starting or stopping hours.

In a compressed week, the flexible schedule most common is working four days a week. Four days a week working ten hours a day will be the 40 hours that complete the essential work for a week. This way the employee have one free day in the week for any family or other not working activity — work-life balance.

Negatives of Flexible Work Schedules

An employee can choose the weekdays he or she wants to work. The employer will want to see the work station busy when it has to be busy and the work being done.

Daily Flexible Schedule 

Flexible working arrangements

The flexible daily schedule permits the employees to come to work early and leave early or come to work late and stay late, take a bigger lunch break and complete the forty-hour work in the week.

Some employers may ask the workers to keep working at the core hours from 10 am to 3 pm out of the flexible schedule.

Some people will want to work a fool day, but start at 7 am and finish the day at 4 pm, any agreement between the boss and the worker will be good.

In a complete, flexible workplace of all employees can start and go as they want. They are responsible for doing the work and achieving the goals of their position. They can be in the workplace only half of the time and work the other time from a distance.

Teleworking is the name of this way

Making a Flexible Schedule Work

A well-organized workplace that has part of its employees working as compressed or a flexible daily schedule will have an explicit agreement about the hours and the job to be done. Any change that the employee wants to make will need the permission of the boss.

The is an element of trust and control about working on a most liberal flexible schedule. The job has to be done and the goal must be achieved and accomplishing the goals is always on top of the program.


Living on flexible working hours is very important to women who have to take the kids from school or people that have some other need to part the working hour in a different way than the 8 am to 5 pm traditional. You can read about the advantages when a flexible schedule


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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.