Do you feel that one of your co-workers is bulling? Is there any intimidation at your workplace? Did you felt the dread of one of your colleagues? Is people are yelling at you and insulting you?

Your workplace meeting is a place of peaceful discussions or a place of gossip and criticizing with no constructive goals. Do you co-worker try to steal your credit for your work? If your answer is yes you are not alone; there are 54 million Americans that had the same response to this questions as victims of bullying in the workplace.

You know when you are bullied when one of your colleagues picks you on your mistakes and show you or worse make of your mistakes gossip staff about you, tells lies to your co-workers or even try to undermine your work.

When you avoid to participate in a certain meeting or going to have your lunch at the workplace lunchroom if certain colleagues are having their lunch at the same time, it is not that you are shy, it is all about one particular co-worker, then you may understand that he or she are bulling you.

When you feel dreadful when you come to your workplace, you may have a bully co-worker, or it is your boss that is bulling you instead of treating you as a respected employee.

It is expected that a bullied employee will report the case to his boss. Unfortunately, it is more than likely that it will not help. A recent study tells us that employers are not helpful with bullying issues. They do not know what to do about bullying and the prevention of it in their company. You will read below about the actions to take to defeat the bully.

Many workplaces are infested with bullies. Unfortunately, you are not alone.

Workplace bullying:

“was defined as repeated mistreatment of an employee by one or more employees; abusive conduct that is: threatening, humiliating, or intimidating, work sabotage, or verbal abuse.” The Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute (WBTI), found that:

  • Americans that have not experienced or witnessed bullying are 50% of the surveyed people.

  • Americans that where aware of abusive conduct that takes place in the workplace are 61% of the surveyed people.

  • Americans that where affected by workplace bullying are 60% of the surveyed people.

  • 61 percent of bullies are comprised boss.

  • The race most frequently targeted by bullies are the Hispanic.

  • Bullies are divided as the following. 70% are men. Women are the most frequent targets for bulling up to 60%. Bullies that are women target 80% of the bulling to other women.

  • Most of the employees do nothing when they are bullied (81%) according the survey. Only 44.8% think that their employers do not take any take action against the bullies.

    • 29 % of the targeted workers remained silent after being bullied.

    • Workplace targets of bully behavior suffer from the harmf


    • A harmful reaction is noted up to the 60% of the targets

    • Before stopping the workplace bullying, 65% of the employees lost his job.

    • To avoid bullying in the workplace, 65 percent of targets lose their original jobs.

    • Americans that support enacting a new law are 77% of the surveyed people.

    • At the post-Tramp election thing, became worst say 46%

ul reaction by the employers.

  • A harmful reaction is noted up to the 60% of the targets

  • Before stopping the workplace bullying, 65% of the employees lost his job.

  • To avoid bullying in the workplace, 65 percent of targets lose their original jobs.

  • Americans that support enacting a new law are 77% of the surveyed people.

  • PRESENTED BY PAYSTUBMAKR.COMAt the post-Tramp election thing, be came worst say 46%

People that suffered bullying had more health problem then people that where no suffering any bullying.

What to do with a bully

Personal courage practiced on a bully will make the bully change his behavior. Do not let yourself be an easy target, do not tolerate the bully’s behavior.

Read below about the way to deal with a bully in the most effective and potentially way that will result in the bullying-free workplace.

Do not tolerate being Bulled with no limits 

Once you decided to put an end to the bullying and take action do it with a firm talk. Tell the co-worker that it is enough and he must stop it.

  • Tel your bully co-worker to stop behaving like you do not like him to do. Do not add any editing strictly describe what you see. Do not tell a bully that he is mean and nasty; it is meaningless to a bully. It may be like Do not enter my cubicle, lean over, read my issues on screen

  • Be clear and strictly tell the bully exactly how his action is impacting your work. As your work is confidential, you feel like you have to hide the screen from him and you lose time on it.

  • Tell your bully co-worker that he should not come close to your cubicle unless he is invited. Repeat and tell him that his action is not welcomed.

  • Stick to your new position do not let the bully violate your space, confront him, you can not give him get away with this behavior even one more time.

Confront the Bully With His Behavior

Bullies need to feel they are on their ground, do not let the bully feel good with his behavior. Cut the phone call or leave the room let him talk to the walls. Control your emissions and leave the bully to bully himself.

Put the bully on notice once twice or more; he will tire having no fan by bulling you.

TIP: Bullying in a work meeting by criticism and will give you a good chance to corner the bully by asking him “What you suggest to do instead.”

The second option is to ask the bully to leave the meeting until you end your exposition or reschedule the meeting with no invitation to the bully.

Document the Bully’s Actions

If things do not change and the bully keeps bullying you, you better start documenting his behavior. Time place witnesses or any use of a smartphone can help you build the file for the HR. The bully is not only hurting your feelings he causing damage to the business by sabotaging the business success.

Any bullying by email, text or any electronic means, keep copies and build you file for your complain to HR

More Coworkers Are Targets of the bully

It is expected that you are not the only one to be bullied, look around and see who his victims are, take notes, document time and place, use your smartphone to have some video or other evidence.

A complaint made by a group of a co-worker with the evidence and witnesses that will show HR that there is a case will make the company respond firmly to the problem.
Legal aspects of workplace bullying. Wikipedia

Bullying became a popular subject, there are more and more cases of complaints, and some goes up to the courts. Lawsuits are an option when you are terminated or threatened by a bully boss.

Management and HR office should be informed about Bullying

When the is no improvement with the bully, you can go to the HR or your direct boss. Doing this will need you to have a file with the evidence and witness to show that you are right and the situation needs the HR reaction. How to file a complaint to the HR

You have to hope for the best from your company, do not forget that you can be surprised by the company, so you need to be prepared to avoid contact with the bully or look for a new job. The company has to keep the privacy of the bully and keep you with no clear answer about him. You may need to see how the company is treating you.

You can have success in keeping the bully out of your working life by having the courage to do it or go somewhere ells for a job.
Persistence and personal courage should be used when reporting your employer about bullying. Your goal is to get a conflict-free workplace. Read  Deal with difficult people.