How to be a Friends and Influence your Co-Workers

How to Be a Friend and Influence Your Workers.

You Need to Act Genuinely and show a real interest and Praise Coworkers frankly

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   By John Wolf



Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, is known. Have you read it? More than likely not. If you did read it, did you apply Dale’s principles? Friendship is not necessary in the workplace, but it will make it a better place when everyone treats his co-worker in a friendly way.


Dale Carnegie

In this article, we will concentrate solo on the three Carnegie main principles of winning friends and influence at your workplace. I hope you will use these ideas, best friends, and power in your organization.

The 5 Most Important Rules of Turning Work Relationships Into Real Friendships

 Be Genuinely Interested in Co-workers

Having some small talk at the water cooler or coffee break will not be effective if it will not be genuine and modest; terms like “I did this,” “I think,” and “My idea” will show that you are thinking about yourself first.

By switching to talking about something other than your ideas or yourself in general, showing that you are interested in other people will gain influence on them.

You have known yourself all your life; nothing is new about yourself. Remember that you are in a working place, and keep some distance between you and your superiors or your subordinated co-workers, do not go too personal with your topics for small talk or building some closer relationships, but not too tight. A good way is to talk about a hobby or the result of the last football game of the co-worker’s preferred baseball team. It should be like the following. Hi John, I saw that the Yankees won the Monday game. Do you want to be happier about it? 


Using the sports games will show that you made an effort to know what is John’s favorite team, not to personal but show that you are paying attention to John’s essential things.

It would help to learn about your co-worker’s marital status, how many children they have, and general health. Do not dif into their personal life, but a small gift for the first birthday of a baby will significantly influence your employee, that will feel very happy thinking that you took the time to know when is the birthday of a newborn child.

Asking about the employee’s grandmother occasionally will show that you care about your people.

The above are basic things that build a relationship; some are work-related tasks. There is routine work reporting to you by your subordinated staff; you should watch what is happening at work and how your team accomplishes it. To build a relationship, you will need to go one step ahead. Use the gentle way to ask about the work they have to do. Use terms like “I would like to know” and “I am interested in the status of the work” Do not ask about the work like you are giving orders. Be practical, looking for the information you need in a friendly way like you all are a team that must do it all as a typical job.

 How to Win Friends and Influence People by Wikipedia

 Good Examples of Expressed Interest

  • It is Mike’s project that you were assigned; my congratulations; I am sure that you will do a great job with it. How is it going?
  • I noticed that you got the Smith project. Congratulations, you’ll do an excellent job. How’s it?


Bad Examples of Expressed Interes

  • Do you have Jone’s plan under control?
  • Did you decide on the vendor for the Jones project?

Good examples are positive, showing that you think your coworker can do the job. Wrong-way models assume that the coworker is incapable of doing the job or at least not doing a good enough job.

Always be thankful, congratulate your people for a well-done job, and modestly offer your help and sympathy. Refrain from letting your people feel like you think they are incapable of doing the job perfectly. Let your staff know that you will be happy to help if needed.

 Let the Co-worker Think That the Idea Is His or Hers though it may be your idea.

It sounds like a tricky way to influence your workplace. It is the key to success. People like their ideas to flourish and are afraid of other people’s ideas, so if your priority is to make some change in the workplace and not to take credit for something that you will do in the future, use these tactics and convince your boss that he first made your idea and it is practically your boss idea.

6 Ways to Get Your Co-workers and Boss to Love Your Ideas

The advantage of making someone feel like they made a good recommendation or solution for a problem is making him happy by congratulating them on the new idea and having them committed to this idea on the execution level of it.

You win the accomplishing of your idea and the sympathy of a co-worker friend. team, thank you for your visit and for reading this blog



