How to Make an Effective Message When You Communicate

How to Make an Effective Message When You Communicate

Newspaper kiosk a place to find written ads




   By John Wolf 

A Compelling Presentation is What Have to Start your relevant communication

We can remember one great TV commercial, a product that had a unique design,  or marketing campaign? Why we listen to some politicians or business leaders and ignore others at the moment, they are mentioned.  Why we postpone reading some people emails and read others at the moment that we hear the sound of our smartphone when an email arrives. It is all about the way the message is presented.

How to Give a Killer Presentation


A message that was communicated to you will move you to take action. Only if it is clear to the point, relevant, valuable, and compelling,   Moving people is not magic — it is about knowing how to present your communication.   

Message Is communication.

What is the 4Cs Model Presentation of the Message in Your Communication?

 Anyone can make effective communication by using an essential tool that possesses the supernatural ability to detect why messages work or do not work.  The same tool can show us how to correct and improve the message. It is called the 4Cs model, that is made of, Comprehension, Connection, Credibility, and Contagiousness.     4Cs Model was developed originally as an assessment tool for the evaluation of the impact of advertising and marketing stuff. Brands such as Suave Shampoo, Dunkin, and Breyers Ice Cream Used the 4Cs Modle for the developing of marketing campaigns that spoke to the public and made emotional relations with their consumers.

Letters are one way of communicating

The 4Cs Model can be used by anyone that Want to know  How the Messages are  Presented in the Communication

You don’t have to be a writer or a genius advertiser to become the messaging mastery. The magic of the 4Cs is easy to understand, and uncomplicated to apply to any piece of communication. You may produce at your workplace no matter if it is a blog, powerpoint, marketing piece, article or email.  

Once you start applying 4Cs to your communications and it becomes into a habit, all your communications recipients will take notice of it.

Comprehensive Presentation

Take a Look on The 4Cs Modele

The 4Cs model the tool for objectively evaluating the effectiveness of a lot of forms of communication, it can assess what is working and what is not working, and why it is working.

The use of 4Cs can assess the communication of the following fields:

marketing, general business, politics, entertainment, and the simple old person to person communication, from an email, and blogging to the relationship talk.


Ads on a truck rich large public

C number one: Comprehension

Do the people get the idea of the message, the point, about what it is? What the message communicate at first glance? Can the message receiver playback? That means that they “got it” and the first C works. There are three more tips for better understanding:

1) The message has to be clear and explicit. 

2) Retelling helps, tell them your story  again and again and then repeat it,

3) Make it straightforward, simple, short and not too deep. 

C number 2: Connection

The communicated idea has made a connection with your public, it means that not only the audience “get it”  but that it is resonating in them, has a meaning  and significance for them enough to trigger an irrational or emotional reaction, it can be frustration, anger, excitement, passion, Joy and happiness, sadness, etc. When the connection is made, it will create a spark of new behaviors and actions.


 C number 3: Credibility

The public that sees hears or reads the message, must believe in the speaker,  writer or any communicator of the message or the brand that is beyond the message. Otherwise, there will be no connection at all.

Learning the Art of Pacing Your Presentations

Without credibility, people will not care to understand the message, That C is the most important of the four.

Ads work well on social media

The audience may comprehend a communicator’s message, and get connected with it emotionally. Then suddenly, withdraw from the idea, saying that the source of a message it is not reliable. It may be a company, politician, his supervisor, or any person or organization — the public will not buy it.

C number 4: Contagiousness

A message that became contagiousness means successful communication.    Your goal is making the audience”catch the message,” and go out and spread it all over.


Remember the last time you watched a TV ad that was so funny or clever, and witty that you and your friends discussed it for a long time, found yourself repeating the slogan or catchphrase in conversations.again and again. That is contagiousness.  

A message needs to be energetic, new to the public, sound different and be easy to memorize. It should elicit a vivid emotional reaction, Can make people “talk,” motivate the target audience to do something, and awake a checkable response.

Working on a new ad message

Practicing the 4C will make it your second nature. Exercise this: Apply the 4Cs to an ad or a story from the same day’s news, from the Newspaper, Radio or TV. Check how it affected you. Did it instantly “get you”? Did it evoke in you an emotional reaction? Could you believe it instantly? Did the message got “stuck” and made you feel you want to react in some manner?  You can take one of the email messages you received today and try 4c-ing with it.  You will quickly notice what messages are working and which one is not making it. Looking into communication through a 4Cs lens will teach you about your communication and messaging challenges.       

Ater that you start “4C-ing yours or of other people messages, it will convert into a habit. You will become an expert in reading or watching messages, memos or a clip of some ads and understanding why it got you so riled up and eager to take action. You will understand too why you were tossed so quickly into the “circular file.”The more you experience the 4Cs model with your messages, the better your messages will be, and you will achieve better respond from your audience. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Paystub

Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as