Keep reading about buying a used car

Here is what you need to know

Are you looking for a used car?  is at your service with all want you need to know about buying used vehicles

The report about vehicle history

You found an auto that you like, it has excellent conditions and reasonable price, before you move ahead, look for the vehicle history report. Input the vehicle identification number (VIN), use Carfax or AutoCheck

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These websites will inform you about:

  • The status of the title of the vehicle, Accidents, fire or flood or found to be a total loss by the insurance or a salvage title issued by the same insurance company. Avoid this kind of problem; you never know how bad it can be in a short time of use.

  • Major accidents reported by the insurance companies will appear on the vehicle history report.

    How many own the car in the past? The answer about changing hand will be on the History Report Maintenance can be shown in some history reports.


Volkswagen Beetle

It is time to talk to the seller

After reading all the information you could find on the auto, it is time to speak to the seller and ask him a few questions:

  • Service record
  • Ownership in the past.
  • Title status
  • Price (Start bargain)
  • Inspection by a mechanic


Test drive the vehicle

It is time to test the car. Feel if you like this model and the conditions and performance of this particular car. It is the moment to decide if it is convenient to buy this car.,

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Test the car up the hill, bad roads, curves, and highway, then push the gas and the breaks as hard as possible.

After all, you are a regular buyer, no a mechanic if you like the car you tried to take it a mechanic for a final inspection.

What to check for a test drive?

About driving this model, Visibility for blind areas looking around the view, and Ergonomics comfort seat that let feel good driving, and reaching all control fast and easy. Do not forget to check the back seat and baggage for comfort and space.

About performance, you need to check Acceleration and how do you feel the steering when you turn or maneuver the car.

Safety, check the brakes to see that it responds correctly.

Listen to any unusual sounds or vibration that may be caused as a result of lousy suspension or tires.


Look for a mechanic to inspect the car

You may be happy about the vehicle you just droved but never forget that you are not a professional mechanic. The seller can tell you many stories about the right conditions, and show you certificated cars, do not take it, go to your mechanic, let him see and check the vehicle.

You do not need to takes a CPO car to your mechanic for more inspection.

Bargain for the best price

Negotiation or bargaining is an exciting part of any commercial deal. If you studied the market of the car you are going to buy it will be easy to know the right price and stand on it bargaining the best you can do to get the seller go as low as he feels correct.

Ford Model A

Expect the seller to ask for a price higher than the average market value. You should play as cool as possible and start lower than your original price. The sense of sell and buy is bargaining. The halfway can make the deal concluded. If your opponent is a car dealer, be sure that he has excellent experience in selling and negotiation. If you found the car you like to buy in a car lot we can recommend you the following:

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  • If you got a Pre-approved loan, it means that for the dealer you are a cash buyer, cash always should have a discount. Your installment has nothing to do with the dealer.
  • Do not try to knock out the seller, start low but not too low that will make the seller take you as a not serious buyer.
  • Do not let the seller control you, keep moving around the lot, or make yourself a cup of coffee. By moving independently, you keep the seller out of balance.
  • Be cool, take your time while negotiating, write down the numbers, make sure the price you are talking about is including out-the-door expenses, you do not look for small surprises at the last minute. Make sure that you are told about the final total amount to get the car on the road to your home
  • When you feel like you advance to nowhere with negotiations or your sixth sense is on alarm with the seller, walk out, it is better to be sorry on a good deal you never made than on a bad deal you just made.


Closed your car deal

Make sure you activated your insurance of this car before you take the road out of the seller’s place.

After paying the car, you should get the title and look for registration according to the regulation of the state you are living in. Find the best quote for insurance

It may be that your badly wanted car is sold by a private party and still owe money to the lender, you should contact the lender to see how you can pay him the amount owed by the seller. In the case that the lender is a bank, you should call and coordinate a meeting to sign the documents.

Remember that the dealership and lenders are all one big network that looks for business, you can expect offers for car loan though you already got a loan pre-approved from a bank or other lender.

Listen to the new offer very carefully the terms and little letters. Be sure you get the same or better conditions.

You may be offered to extend the warranty of the vehicle, not a bad idea, check with the maker if there is not some Powertrain Warranty that goes up to 75.000 miles of running the car and cover engine, transmission, and suspension.

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The signing of a contract:

You should read carefully before signing a contract. You will learn the total payment for the car itself and the:

  • Taxes that the state is charging on this kind of deal.
  • The documentation fee is what the dealership charges you for filling the documents of the sale they just made. Remember that you should know how much they will charge you when you compare the different offers.


Registration fees It may be convenient to let the dealer make the registration the vehicle for you, keep your eyes open on the list of charges the dealer pass you, it may find some bogus extra fee. Ask for an explanation for any cost. If there are no reasonable explanations, ask to remove it.

You made it! You have the right car for your money. Now please drive carefully; do not use your smartphone while driving. team wish you good luck with your newly purchased car.