Leadership SMART Goals and Examples of Leadership Goals

The leader shows the direction




   By John Wolf  

The best online paystub creator

When you think of starting a business, your main goal is making money. That is too general of a target. To achieve this goal, you need planning of secondary objectives that will bring you to a business that is producing efficiently and making

money. Setting goals and plotting the plan to achieve these goals is a crucial part of your success with your business.

The leader

Most home business goals set by their owners can be quantified and measured easily. These goals can be, Sales amounts, income amounts, or website traffic. Leadership; Can people learn it or it is an innate trait?

These goals need to be archived by you, even though you have the traits and skills of a communicator and leader. Maybe you will need some training to improve your skills and add experience to your management knowledge.

You can set the SMART goal to get the improvement in communication, leadership, and other soft skills. These skills are difficult to quantify and measure. The are no kg of leadership or gallons of communication.

   How Can You Use S.M.A.R.T leadership Goals?

Walking on a thin rope

What are SMART Goals?

 is an acronym made of:

  • Specific: What exactly is your goal? Making money is a vague goal; making one million dollars a year is a particular goal. Improve the communication with your team by reducing the question asked by 25%.

  • Measurable:  How can you see that you have achieved your goals? The million dollars are easy to count and verify that you have reached the goal. There is no way to measure soft skills. We will give you a tip on designing a mechanism to know if you progressed towards your goals.

  • Attainable: A goal can be challenging you, pushing your effort to your edge, but not impossible to achieve.

  • Relevant: Your goals should enhance your project.

  • Timeliness: Time is essential; set attainable deadlines that force you to take action.

Leading the team

Planning Leadership SMART Goals

Start improving your leadership skills by deciding what areas to focus your mind. The expertizes of a good leader are:

  • A good leader will dominate all forms of communication, including verbal, written, and nonverbal

  • The leader needs to be able to coach and mentor the staff.

  • The leader should be able to inspire and motivate others

  • The leader leads to the direction provided by him or her

  • A good leader has to be able to assess the situation and make decisions

  • Thinking about critical issues and solving problems.

  •   Leading and working with a team

Improve your leadership’  is a vague goal.   Take one of the skills for leadership. Instead, set a SMART goal around it. Below, you can read the steps to set SMART goals for leadership.

Where to go?

Define the result you want to achieve. If your goal is to encourage your team or improve communication, How it looks in the real world?   Is your group meets goals or smile more? Are they asking more or fewer questions? Are they faster at reaching their goals?

In what part of your goals can you make a success? If your goal is to inspire, what will need improvement to achieve it? Are you offering your people excellent feedback, material incentives, or a smiley face? When do you want to improve communication, and what aspect will you need to change? Is it the email communication you are failing to use, or is your verbal direction falling? Maybe it is the clarity or pitch of your interaction with your team.

Use the metrics to know you have met your goal. There are no metrics to measure leadership or inspiration or other soft skills. How do you resolve the problem and learn if your team was inspired? You can create measures starting back recollecting information from your workforce. Use the feedback and the information from questionaries. What data you are going to collect is something that you have to know.     

Cruel leader

To set goals on soft skills, you need first to learn the situation before you start to do anything about those skills. To know if you improved, you will need a base to refer to; otherwise, how can you see if you are better or worse? For example, if your goal is to reduce being questioned by your team.

You need to know the level of questioning before you make any changes to improve the questions by the team. You better have the data about the number of questions at present. You can measure this information when applying the new approach that you think will improve the situation. Knowing the starting level and accumulating the quantities of questions along the time of your improvement project.

 Smart Goals Examples of Leadership

Below are a few examples of SMART goals set around improving leadership skills.

A simple example will show you how to convert an immeasurable skill into a measurable one. You take the starting point of 100 questions a month and compare it to the six months of your project when the questions were reduced to 65 inquiries a month. 

Goal: To Inspire and Motivate Team Members

  • Specific: To inspire and motivate group members to raise production by 25%  and morale as the team members indicated in their feedback. 

  • Measurable: Productivity was increased by 25 %, and group members reported on the satisfaction survey. 

  • Attainable: Project management tools and training were provided to the team to support the project.  An atmosphere of collaboration was fostered among the group members. Constructive and positive feedback was provided during weekly check-ins with the group.

  • Relevant: When the team members were inspired. Productivity and morale were increased, as well as the number of completed projects. And the time off and time of unfocusing by the group members. 

  • Timeliness: In six months achieve a 25% improvement in completing a project and show work satisfaction on the reports. 

The red leader-

Goal: Communication Improvement of the Team

  • Specific: Developing presentation skills yield 30% fewer questions at team meetings.  

  • Measurable: Reduction of 30% of questions at the meetings.  

  • Attainable: Attend a mentoring workshop on presentation skills and join Toastmasters.

  • Relevant: Developing your presentation skills can make more precise and comprehensive presentations. That will save time for answering questions or correcting mistakes made due to a lack of understanding.   

  • Timeliness:  Improvement of 30% in communication time at meetings in six months.

 SMART Goals and Beyond

While you are working on achieving the goals, assess the progress you are making. “Plans are the base for changes” if something is not going as you were expecting, make the necessary changes. For example, if you feel that the weekly meetings create more stress for your group than inspiration. Or it became a micromanaging issue, change the way you manage the meeting by some group dynamics or cancel it.   


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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as