Learn about Salary Range, How it Work? part II

Salary Range, How it Work?


   By John Wolf

Salary is part of your HR strategy to achieve your goal with the workforce you need to keep your business running. If you ask your HR manager to look for the best people for your workforce, you need to let your HR to offer higher salaries than the average. Quality people will look for quality working condition, and pay is the number one condition they will be interested in.

You can not build an outstanding workforce with low or medium salary, and this will bring you only mediocre staff that will fail to fulfill your goal. If you need a low-cost workforce, you can use cheap labor.

 Assess the Labor Markets

The economy us and down make a difference in the salaries that you will offer. When there is unemployment you can get the best people for less pay, and the opposite is when the economy is good, and there is a vacancy opened everywhere. The high economy will begin a war for talent.

If you underpay or overpay an employee, it will eventually backfire on you.

Overpay will attract the employees to ask for adjusting salaries, that will cost you too much money and will be unfair to your longer-term employees.

Taking the other way and will leave your new employee with the feeling that you took advantage of here. She will be waiting for the opportunity for a new job.

An employee that feels she is underpaid will not contribute the maximum of her talent and skill and morale will keep being low until she goes or you raised her salary.

Look for Your Benefits Package Role in Wage Satisfaction

The salary is part of the compensation for the work an employee is doing for the employer. You can get a good worker to come and work for you with an excellent package of salary, benefit and any other essential conditions for the employees. An employer can raise the participation in health insurance plan which means more cash in the employee’s hands.

Let your workforce know the real value of the benefits you give them. It will show the real compensation to the work they do.

Bonus Philosophy and Potential

Bonuses can be paid in unlimited ways, and you can find a creative way to make your bonus system attractive to your employees and any candidate that will be interested in a job with you.  

Bonus can be paid based on the goals accomplished and the person’s traits, skills and personal contribution to the organization.

You can have the same bonus to all your workers, based on the group goal attainment.

Profit sharing is an option too, you take one part of the profits made by the company and pay it equally to all the employees that worked at that period.

A polite way to ask for a salary range

Tell Your Workforce About Your Salary Philosophy and Approach

It is common that organizations have problems with information about bonuses. Gossip and demotivate workforce can be a result of uninformed employees. Transparency concerning the way bonuses paid to your staff will keep the morale and motivation up. Your salary philosophy is not something you need to keep as a secret; tell your workforce what the conditions for salary and bonuses are. Your methods should be as crystal clear to your employees.

Ken Gibson from Visionlink writes.

Unfortunately, too many CEOs have a reactive response when approached by employees about pay issues.  As a result, they often end up making matters worse instead of better with their knee jerk remedies and band aid solutions.  For example, one leader might raise someone’s salary for fear of losing that person—in the process creating a precedent he can’t sustain.  I’ve seen others give out stock to a key employee because that individual plays a critical role in the business, only to find out later that the employee didn’t think it was enough and is frustrated she has no means of redeeming it unless there’s a transaction sometime in the future (such as the sale of the business).  In each instance, the business leader lives to regret their action because it either opened the flood gates to further requests or created an ad hoc approach to addressing something that should have been handled strategically. 

Take into Consideration That Salary Ranges Are Becoming Less Used

Today salary ranges are less relevant for modern HR, yet they provide some essential and helpful bases for the employers to make for the employees.

According to compensation consultant, Ann Bares in “Compensation Force,” “I’ve had the chance to work with many organizations who don’t have a formal salary structure, either smaller organizations yet to put in place any pay rules and policies or more established businesses who have (at some point) ditched their structures in an attempt to foster more ‘flexibility.’ What I’ve found, more times than not is that salary decisions in these places are all over the map, with little rhyme or reason, and often made in response to pressure (employee complaints or implicit/explicit threats of leaving). And everyone knows it.  Especially the employees.

“Having a salary structure of some kind in place ensures that there is a set of guardrails to prevent pay decisions from falling too far off the road. Perhaps more importantly, having a structure in place gives employees at least a minimal amount of assurance that there are rules which are followed and that salary decisions aren’t based entirely on whim, favoritism or discrimination.”

We hope that you will use these tips in your business and get your workforce happy, motivated and contributing to your business. 

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.