Learn about: Wage and Salary Requirements of the Candidates For a vacancy

Salary Requirements of the Candidates For a vacancy


   By John Wolf

Salary or wage is the amount of money and the compensation paid by the employer to the employee in return to the work done by the employee in favor of the employers business.

Most frequently, salary is paid on a bi-weekly base by emitting a paycheck or bank transfer to an exempt employee. There is 26 payday in one year. Every paycheck is accompanied with a paystub that shows the gross wage, the withholding, and the net pay.

Happy employee

Salary is paid for the work done by the employee. It is expected from the employee to fulfill his job of 40 hours a week. Higher range employee is exempt employees 

Learn What An Exempt Employee that have no over time Isbut they are expected to do their job responsibility. To make things clear there is a job description for any employee. Learn More About an Exempt and a Non-Exempt Employee

Non-exempt employees are different; they work on an hourly base; their responsibility is for the part of work but not for a whole job. Non-exempt workers will be making only part of the production process. For example, are manufacturing workers that work on a line of production each one doing one or two stages of the production. Those workers will have the right to be paid for overtime. Overtime will be paid after the necessary 40 hours a week was fulfilled, Overtime rate is one and a half of the regular price.

Exempt employees are on salary with no tracking hours and no overtime at all; they work by fulfilling their goals.

Employees that are union members do track worked hours and get paid on and collect compensatory time off.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) rules indicate the employers to track the time they worked as overtime by the non-exempt or hourly contracted employees.

Salaries are a result of the labor market for the people that are doing similar jobs in the industry in the same region.

An individual employer can establish his own pay rate and salary ranges in his business. Nationally salaries are subject to the offer and demand of employment and people that are looking for a job in the same industry.

He got a salary raise

Salary Requirements

The salary requirement is the amount of money that the potential employee has in his head as the salary he is looking for and will accept it if you offered it to him.

The amount a candidate is looking for will be big enough to cover the cost of living in the lifestyle he is used too. Some people will be realistic on this matter, and some will be unrealistic and ask for a salary that is too high for you to accept.

Fix expanses will cover mortgage or rental of the home they are living in, car finance, schools for the children, food and more. All these can be managed on different levels that can bring the total out of the reality for you to pay or be lower enough for you to accept it. Do not push it too much down. You need your staff to be happy with their workplace.

There is an old saying between employees. “At your first day in a new job start looking for the next job,” If you do not want it to happen in your company you need to pay the right salary for the right person in the right position. People have to feel happy with what they are doing and what they take home at payday.

Asking Applicants About their Salary Requirements

The employer will always ask the applicant to fill in the job application his required salary. It will save an interview with someone that is looking for a too high wage. Knowing what the applicant is looking for may be useful to you if the applicant is shooting low enough when you are desperate for someone to fill the missing position.

An employed candidate will be tougher about the salary he or she are looking for; on the other hand, an unemployed person will accept easier you offer.

There is a kind of a game between employers and applicants for a vacant, no one like to disclose the salary they offer or the one they are expecting to make. The applicant is afraid that they will low ball themselves or over high and lose the opportunity of being employed.

Employers HR managers do not like to hire those applicants that do not answer about the salary they are expecting for the offered job. The applicants for the job do not want to tell their aspirations for salary afraid of getting a disadvantage in the salary negotiation. How to negotiate salary

The HR manager will reserve the option to reject the applicant.

Some employers think that it is better not to disclose their salary range, avoiding the applicants in this way to be over demanding for the higher salary. HR managers are looking for the salary stated and not to the market rate.

Create Market-driven, Realistic Salary Ranges

The clever employer will study the market and learn what are the salaries ranges for each kind of job that the organization in going to need, and then will open the vacancy ads to the public with competitive salaries that will attract and retain the best workforce available.

The good employer will give the applicants a fair offer even if the applicant was saying that she can accept a lower salary. Trust is the base for a healthy workplace relationship and high morale. Turnover in a workplace his a negative issue that can grow worst if people are unhappy because they see the employer as not fair with them by taking advantage of new employees.

Celebration in the workplace

A salary market survey is a good tool for you to learn what is the market for the salaries for the vacant jobs.  Payscale.com and Salary.com are good websites for the survey.

By using the above mentioned websites or other that can help in achieving the idea of what is the market at the moment that you need to hire new staff.

When we talk about the market, we can not ignore that a negotiation is something to think about as a natural way to reach an agreement where no one is unhappy and no one is too happy. Negotiate your salary in a way you will not lose the best candidates to the competition.

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.