Learn Four Ways for Reducing Employees Time Theft

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Learn Four Ways for Reducing Employees Time Theft



   By John Wolf

It is common to hear about employers that do not pay the salary to an employee what they owe him. It can be just illegally withholding or the wrong classification as an exempt employee. On the other side, there are employees time thefts cases too.

Employee time theft occurs when a worker clocks another co-worker while he or she is not at the workplace. A different way is reading a book at the time the employee should be working. 

The True Cost of Time Theft

We will review with you four ways to avoid losing your money by bad employees that practice time theft. There is a way you can dock the pay for time theft.

Make Sure that Your Employees are informed of the Rules

Where are many employees there are many types of people, some are honest, and others may be irresponsible and do clocking as a favor to a friend coworker with not thinking to what trouble they are getting into? They do not see the loss of integrity they can suffer and pay when they may lose the job.

Put a sign near the time clock, send an email to those that use the computer, make it clear to all your employees that work on the hourly base that it is against the company rules to sign for somebody else and it will be considered a fraud.

By making everyone know the rules, you save yourself money and the workers losing their job.

What Is the Punishment for Stealing Time on the Job?

Set Expectations

Working in a store is not only attending the customers that are coming in and ask for help. You have to make it clear that the retail employees should be doing some cleaning or straining the goods or checking inventory and not using their smartphones at the time they are paid for their work.

Make sure that your workforce knows well what they are expected to do at work. Training and explicit instruction are essential. Your floor employees should know what the tasks and responsibilities are.

Follow Disciplinary Procedures

Your employees will watch your reaction and learn what they can do or not. Anything that you do not call to an immediate stop they will think that it is OK with you.

Make your people know and feel the standard disciplinary proceedings in your organization. Make it verbally, in written or by suspension and termination when the case is that bad.

You should react with relation to what happened; a short look at the smartphone is not the same as falsifying a time card. Five minutes on the time card are not two hours of lunchtime reported as worked.

As all aspect of management and humans relationship, you need to be on top and follow up your orders and make your employees know that you are there watching them. Leaving the hard alone will let the ship spread away. Do not present a bowl of candies with no control unless you do not care about it. The people well accept free staff.

Remember to Set a Good Example

Your employees will emulate what they see older employees or you and the other managers doing. They may think that they can take a two-hour lunch break forgetting that they are non-exempt employees and you and the other staff are exempt employees.

Time theft can be induced by an exempt supervisor that do play with the smartphone at the time they are working. Your managers should not play at the working time, and even more, they should keep an eye on the employees to avoid time theft and other negligence at work.

How To Ensure Against Time Theft

These are the four most important ways that you can use to minimize or stop employee time theft. Use all of your power to reduce or even stop time theft by your employees. Allowing your employees to keep doing it will cause your business a lot of damage. You will be losing your money and put in risk your business.

What Measures Can You Take Once Employee Time Theft Occurs?

You implemented all four ways to avoid time theft; now you may have very few cases of employees that breaking the rule had stolen time of your company. There is an option to dock the employee’s pay for the time he or she did not work. Is it that simple to dock your employee’s pay? The answer is that it is not that easy. In some cases pay docking is cut and dried: If Bob came one hour late to work, but Maria clocked him on time covering the fault, you do not have to pay bob for the hour he did not work.

It is different when John was goofing while seating in his workstation you will have to pay him, or if you asked John to stay doing nothing because you needed John to be ready for something that can come into emergency.

You want to pay every hour the employees worked and want them to work every hour you paid. Keeping the four rules under control you should not have a problem with time theft.

Looking at the time theft problem as part of your whole operation will give you more reasons not to worry about time theft. Your workplace environment and working atmosphere are the main factors in your relationship with your workforce. Employees that are happy with their working conditions will be cautious not to lose their job. An HR department that works well when it is looking for new employees will give you an edge on the employer employees relationship. Good managers with high leadership traits that are an example to all the workforce will help to control your employees and keep their morale high.

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.

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