Learn how On-the-Job Training Can Brings You More Value

On-the-Job Training Can Brings You More Value



   By John Wolf

Effectively Train Employees on the Job by Using Managers and Coworkers to

Training your employees can be done in classroom or workshop that dedicated for training, or by On-the-Job training (OJT), that is a hand on a method of teaching the skill, and make the employees know how to perform and accomplish their job within the workplace.

On-the-job training

Employee learns by working near the more experienced colleagues. On the job mean using the same equipment tools, machines, documents and the employee that is doing the job for some time and have the experience and the trait to teach the new employees.

Training can be done in the same area where the production takes place or in a dedicated area like rooms, workstation or equipment.

OJT objective is to use some working place environment, tool, and skilled co-workers to help train new employees to do their job in the same place they are going to work after the training is ended.

Who Provides OJT?

Training Program Examples

A co-worker that do the same work on the w

orking area, and have the complete knowledge of the job he is going to teach.

Other skills that are interpersonal like company policies and requirements, leadership training, or other topics that can be taught by human resources staff, managers, and coworkers can train on the job or in the workplace.

Other people that can perform OJT can be a provider that is implementing a new system or new equipment can train-on-job the workers that are going to use his product.

A vendor teaching the capabilities of a human resources information system will have to train the HR staff.

The HR team head will teach the rest of the employees, in the department to use the system at the same working stations they use for everyday work.

Frequently Training on site of one or two employees by the vendor’s representatives and then the employees will teach all the employees that are expected to use the equipment. The OJT model is commonly used in training workers to use equipment, like forklifts or software adoption; or any other new equipment or system.

OJT goal is mostly to teach basic skills that are needed for the work to be done. At the same time, it instills some aspect of the workplace culture and performance expectations of the new employees. OJT is useful for the onboarding of new employees.

Teaching Managers to Train

Management Training Techniques

Knowing how to do the job is one thing and teach it is another issue. Teaching itself is a trait that one can learn. Trained to teach managers is a significant advantage to the organization. Do not neglect the training of your managerial staff, educate and instruct how to teach and train your employees On Job.

These days organizations use more and more managers for training, coaching, and mentoring.

Employees respond positively when their managers train them.

When managers train their team, they know in what to emphasize while training, how to make sure that the qualified people will match their needs and working style.

On the other side are the workers that are impressed by the manager’s knowledge and the fact that he or she took the time to teach the teammates in person.

Good Experience With Teamleader – Led Training

An example of what happens when higher level managers take the role of OJT trainers is General Motors at the late 80’s senior managers trained strictly every employee in a vast change in GM operational and cultural strategy.

GM employees were highly impressed by the presence of their high ranking boss in class teaching them strictly about the changes in their workplace. The message about the changes was seriously supported by GM management.

Being an insider, the senior managers could deliver messages that illuminated the strategy employed by GM and the new direction in a way that no outsider teacher cloud never do. Knowing the reasons for the change made it Easier to satisfy the curiosity of the workforce about what is all this change means. The senior manager could easily use the company culture to get the employees to understand and accept the message of the change. This example shows us how effective is using managers for on job training.

Training Your Employees to Train Their Coworkers

Training for Supervisors & Managers

A good source of trainers exists within your workforce. Some of your employees can be good natural trainers that will love training and teaching. They will be happy, taking this extra mission and help you train the new coworkers or implement any change you will need to perform to keep your organization renovating and upgrading itself to the latest technologies or modern culture. It will be a good idea to give those natural teachers some training that will provide them with some teaching and training that will polish there teaching capabilities.

This employees will have essential tools more than love teaching and being train to teach they are “at home“ in the workplace, know the workplace’s language, culture and goals, environment, strength and weaknesses, and their coworkers.

Letting your employees train has the advantage over hiring an outsider, no need to teach the outsider about the company’s culture or weakness and strength of your place — no need to spend time knowing each other.

Coworker Training Examples

Natural selection that was made by a medium-sized manufacturing company by assigning the training to all staff in security, emergency evacuation procedures, and safety to the team leader of the safety committee. The same team leader took the role of orientation the new employees on safety.

Another example of letting the longtime sales representative take over the training of the new sales representatives to use the customer relationship management CRM computer program, and take and process orders.

The same company made the same with the shipping department; an old-time worker taught the newcomers to drive the Hi-Lo and get the driving license for a forklift.

On the job training by coworkers and managers was founded as the most effective way to train your workforce. 

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.