Learn How to Be Great Communicators In Your Workplace

10  Great Tips For Communicators

Women at the meeting

Use These 10 Tips and Improve Your Communication Skills at Your Workplace



   By John Wolf 

Being a great communicator will make your co-workers, and other acquaintances view you as a successful person. 

Individuals that have the trait of communicator become the “go-to” Colleagues in the organization because people equate efficacy with effective communication. 

The people that become great communicators contribute more to their workplace and receive more opportunities for going upscale in the hierarchy and getting recognition of their career. 

4 Great Communicators and What They’ve Taught Us

There are more than ten attributes, and we will review the ten simple communication skills that are shared by most of the effective communicators.  

Office talks

First, Build Your Relationship

Always saying “good morning” and “how’s your day going?” to the co-workers is something that a communicator will never forget.  Keep paying attention to your colleagues is a highly effective relationship-building habit. Keep greeting the co-workers every time you meet them,  showing them that you care about them, no matter how busy you are.  

First, build your relationship as a base for successful communication. To establish and get better communication,  keep making the relationship over all the interactions all the time, as goodwill has a cumulative effect.   

Keep Learning What the Workforce is Talking About

A great communicator must be listening and gathering knowledge and insight, to be able to have the forward-thinking ability that is needed to earn the respect of their colleagues and acquaintances. 

The communicator cannot bring his or her knowledge and expertise to the people. Will not get their attention and confidence. Only the communicator that brings real and useful content to the table will gain the respect and attention necessary to become valued by the colleagues. 

Think about great communicators secrets. You can remember communicators like Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Angela Merkel, etc. 

Be a Listener More Than a Speaker

Imagine a manager holding a meeting about performance development Planning with a group of employees that the same manager takes last one hour and 55 minutes.  That is an awful example of a manager managing a discussion, where he or she does not hear the employees. One that makes the talking will never get to listen to the other side opinion, needs or problems.  Understanding others is what a communicator most crucial skill. Remember that communication means two ways of information.   

The same kind of managers will speak, asking questions to get the knowledge and to learn the opinions of the employees. Asking questions means that your coworkers will not get the opportunity to express their feelings as if they could do the when given time to ask questions. An excellent communicator will use the feedback and problems of the participants to learn other people thoughts and needs.

A communicator at work

Inspiring leaders are great communicators

Understanding the Other Person’s Motives Is the Secret    

While listening to someone else words, the great communicator will not think about, how to respond. A great communicator will be asking questions that will help to understand what the other person is communicating, concentrate their mind on listening and understanding. 

If you feel that you are getting on the defense, arguing, looking for responses, or refuting your colleague ideas, you are not entirely focused on understanding her communication.

Use a Feedback Loop

An excellent communicator will use the feedback he just got from another person in a loop. Take the gist of what the other people said to you, and say, “Here is what I heard you say”  this is a feedback loop that will help you to create the experience of shared meaning. 

The communicator can check if she was understood, and avoid the miscommunication and misunderstanding. By taking care of good understanding, the excellent communicator avoids hard feeling and lousy communication. 

Watch the Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication   Is an essential part of human interaction. The tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions are stronger than verbal communication or the actual meaning of the words and sentences. 

Communication at the office

The new ways of communication, Email, phone, IM, texting, and writing on paper are missing the power of a personal conversation. One way to help better expression  is by using “smilies” and “Imogi.” The communicator that wants real communication will use talking face to face or meeting the workforce for discussions.  

About Patterns, Inconsistencies, and Consistencies

Passing a message to other people (communicating) is relatively easy, making it understood is a little bit harder, and need confirmation that the receiver got the essence of the message. There is always the possibility of misunderstanding and falling into unnecessary conflict. To avoid having a problem. You have to look at the patterns and inconsistencies with your coworkers.

People will listen to nonverbal communication over the verbal.  Any inconsistency in your communication, no matter if it is verbal or nonverbal will lead to communication failure is imminent.

Communication between coworkers

Using “I” Language When There Is a Personal Issue

Good communicators will assume responsibility for having an emotional reaction of their own.  They will use the I message to show that they recognize their responsibility for their response. Instead of the approach “you made a mistake” they will use the “I was angry to see your interaction.” 

The use of you, to say something to a coworker instead of I, is rarely successful communication. With “you” will more than likely create a defensive response and no informative talk. Using an “I” will produce a conversation and advance to resolving the problem.

Critical Feedback Can Wait

Communicators do not jump into posting anything conflictive or controversial and seating on it for a day or two before publishing or saying it to the public.​Pausing before releasing is a skill of the great communicators. It may avoid conflicts or come in a better moment.   

Be Open  Minded to New Ideas

New ideas can fall or get a “go” in the first time communicated. Do not reject an idea immediately; take the time to learn it. The great communicator will always listen to new ideas as new opportunities and give them an opportunity with gusto 

Build  Trust With Your Coworker

Trust is the number one condition for a communicator’s success. No matter how good lister or how good the communicator draw out other people opinions. Your trust will be built if your talk is truthful, even at hard moments, you never cover the reality with stories. Trustworthiness on a daily base will build trust in their communication. 

If you have the trait, to be an honest, and courageous person. It will be easy to acquire these ten simple communication skills and become an excellent communicator that can pass a message that will be heard and listened by the people. 

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, competent, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as