Learn how to create a Successful Employee Recognition

5 Points for a Successful Employee Recognition

Recognize, award, reward express gratitude to your employees in a practical way.


   By John Wolf

Providing your employees a recognition in their effort working for your company will create a positive reaction in your workforce, productivity and innovation will be an essential part of your organizational climate.

Feeling appreciated makes people happy and positively responsive to their workplace, their contribution to the company will be much higher than those employees that do not receive any recognition.

Why Is Employee Recognition is not that common?

People do not know how to make recognition work effectively because of a few factors: Giving the same recognition to all the employees and do not find the tool to express gratitude.

Showing your workforce that you are happy and thankful for their extra mile at work will create a positive response as a better understanding of what you see the most important contribution to the organization.

Recognition and rewarding programs will motivate your workforce to be positive toward their employers business. When you are looking for a recognition program make sure that you follow some simple standards that will help you get the most out of this program.

11 Surprising Statistics About Employee Recognition [Infographic]

Maintain equality between your staff

Recognition plan should be an open opportunity for all your workforce. If you have different departments that have various activities, you will need to have different criteria for each group of workers.

Recognition of a programmer’s job will not be the same as the one you may use for your sales force. You should never leave people outside of the group, everyone like to be recognized for his special effort, and you are looking for the special effort your employees make for the benefit of the company.

Define criteria clearly

Clear Rules of the Game are essential for the recognition plans, employee and employer must have precise information on the behaviors or actions that will be recognized as rewarded.

An absolute clearness of your design and complete communication of eligibility for the award are essential.

You will reward the performance that makes you gain, so you are looking for as many as possible eligible candidates for a reward.

Recognition In The Workplace: It’s Not What You Think It Is

Equal opportunity

The employees that performed at the levels or standards established as criteria by the employer will receive the reward.

It can happen that the employer will have a problem of affordability to give the reward to all the employees that met the criteria. It will happen if the levels are too low or the reward is significant to all of the workers and most of them worked hard and accomplished the goals. In this case, it will be resolved by making a lottery between all the winners.

You should communicate the fact that there is a reward only for one or three workers and it will be given randomly from the group that won the eligibility by reaching the criteria.

Timing is important

Do not take a long time between the performance was made and the act of recognition. Taking to much time will let the magic dissipate, and the effect on productivity will disappear too.

A monthly recognition will be too close and will no reinforce your team. Annual recognition will be too far and will look less interesting with a low effect of the workforce will be even less attractive the monthly recognition plan.

In the case of production or sales, the reward can be daily upon total income from sales or production.

Recognition should not become a routine, and it may be converted to a given or an entitlement and no longer affects the workforce.

Put Recognition in Your Employees’ Hands

Establish objective standards

Criteria should be based on objective measures; managers should have clear objectives and not fall into being subjective.

A personal influence on the decisions about who is the employee that will be recognized will have negative results. Managers should not have any favoritism, employees will notice it and will wait for their turn instead of working for the recognition they will try to be friendly with the manager that can give the prize. Having no clear criteria and letting the manager decide by his criteria will not be only unproductive but will have corrupted sense.

A good example of the employee of the month recognition, it has no clear objective figures, it can be judged in different ways by different people. A bonus for the highest sales will be much more meaningful and productive, and the employee knows that if his sales are crossing a certain amount, he will have recognition as a bonus

You need to establish the criteria and consistently keep it done.

Communication of the recognition is essential if your workforce will not see it happening it will not have its impact on productivity, innovation or retention in your organization.

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 Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.