Learn How to Set and Achieve Goals

Set and Achieve Goals



   By John Wolf

Stay motivated, committed, and moving forward

Achieve a goal is the completion of a plan for a venture.

Goals can be personal or related to your work, a promotion at your job or an establishing new process at the system or getting a new customer to your customers’ list. A published article, or a weight loss, it should be your goal, you can not achieve your boss goal or your wife goal.

Set Goals Based on Values

Your goals have to be related to your organization or your values like Vision, and Corporate Social Responsibility. Your goal can not contradict your values. Link the goals to goals should be linked to a “governing value.”

Goals can be established for short, medium and long terms. Goals based on solid values will be accomplished.

 Establish your goals on these values:

Home and family

  • Career and financial

  • Ethical and spiritual

  • Health and physical

  • Cultural and Social

  • Educational and Mental

Listen to Your Positive Voice

Listening to your positive voice is a good practice when you make plans. Your inner voice will show you how to make the right decisions. Discuss your plans with yourself and make your decisions. Have you ever felt like you’re talking

Your inside commentary will be divided between positive and negative thoughts while planning the accomplishment of the goals you what to achieve. The negative thoughts will take you to the land of low self-confidence and low self-esteem which will impact negatively your ability to accomplish your goals.

Your talk has two sides positive and negative. Positive thoughts and planning support the achievement of your goals. Negative thoughts and comments undermine your self-esteem and self-confidence and negatively impact your ability to accomplish your goals.

Listen to Your Positive Voice

Listening to your positive voice is a good practice when you make plans. Your inner voice will guide you to make the right decisions. Discuss your plans with yourself and make your decisions.

Your inside commentary will be divided between positive and negative thoughts while planning the accomplishment of the goals you what to achieve. The negative thoughts will take you to the land of low self-confidence and low self-esteem which will impact negatively your ability to accomplish your goals.

Your commentary is both positive and negative. Positive thoughts and planning support the accomplishment of your goals. Negative thoughts and comments undermine your self-esteem and self-confidence and negatively impact your ability to accomplish your goals.

It is essential that the manager support the creation and improvement of the self-esteem of the teammates. The manager will have a positive outlook and trust that his team is capable of accomplishing their goal. The workers will feel this trust and become a better team in resolving problems and reaching their goals.

Goal Setting and Achievement Progress

An annual report will not show you how the goal was doing step by step. You will have no idea how the job is advancing just where it is at the end of the year.

A paper planer, a smartphone or your pc can be saving the information on a daily, or weekly base. A daily report will be the best for accomplishment control; more discipline will be maintained with day-to-day control

Identify and Eliminate Obstacles to the Success of Your Goal Setting

Every day tracking of your goals will not be enough. You need to see what is going with the goal and why. Talk with the people that participate in the job. See why it is going slow or having a problem in moving ahead. Life is a changing game, what was yesterdays reality is not today’s situation. It may be that the goal lost its reason to be. Technology is moving fast maybe that your goal became outdated before you made it, and now nobody will need it.

If you have to overcome obstacles that occur while you are trying to accomplish the goal, you need to make action plans to remove the obstacles or find a co-worker, friend or family.

I the case that you are not advancing with your goal, you will need to analyze to find why it is slow. Only studying the reasons for the lake of progress will give you the tools to correct it and move ahead or close the goal because of being irrelevant.

Write Your Goals

Writing out your goal will commit to the accomplishment of the purpose. Writing makes it official and historically registered. Writing make it a clear statement, not something in your head and memories. A well-detailed plan of action that leads to the achievement of a goal is a powerful tool.

Rewards and Celebration for the Goal Accomplishment

A win means a good reason for celebration. Even a small one deserves a party. After the party, you will go back to the task of pushing your other goals. “ Celebrate Success

Goals and New Year Resolutions Change

Remember that nothing stays the same, changes are part of our life and so your goals. What was right at the moment you decided to look for the purpose you considered the reality you had at this moment. Adapting your goals to the new reality is something you have to do with no hesitation and no bad feelings.

Moving ahead with new projects will be a much more efficient and healthy way to take.

Your goal could be too big, or the reality changed to fast.

Take our guidelines and move with your goals to get them accomplished and make the new one with the same instructions.

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Disclaimer: John Wolf and paystubmakr.com are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.