If You Want to Develop Employees, Use Mentoring

If You Want to Develop Employees, Use Mentoring


   By John Wolf

Mentoring means a relationship created between an experienced person and an inexperienced person. It is commonly used in a workplace between senior and new employees in a formal or informal basis. In the case of a new employee, the goal is to make the new employee familiar with the culture and norms of the workplace.


Another option of using mentoring is helping your employees to grow to a higher position in your company. Sometimes it is important to help an employee to move to a different area of responsibility.

Changes like moving from payroll area to account receivables may need some mentoring. A receptionist that is promoted to be a secretary may need some help in adapting herself to the new job.

Mentors can help any employee that needs to change is a way of working or make things work better.

To get the best of the mentoring relationships you better have a package of knowledge ready for the mentor to pass to the new worker. That will make faster the process of the new employee becoming a high-performance worker.

Mentoring helps your whole workforce to learn faster any new job or change in the company’s culture.

How To Build A Professional Mentoring Program

Mentor and Mentee

New Employee Mentors in Onboarding

Assigning a mentor as part of the onboarding process is very commonly used in organizations. In some cases, mentoring can be developed spontaneously over time. The experienced employee can come close to the new one and start talking about how to do the job better and easier, and that it the mentoring voluntarily sprouts.

Having good mentoring programs that will make employees easier assimilation to the company’s culture, will effectively influence the rate of retained employees in the company. Can Mentoring Enhance Employee Retention and Engagement?

Modern Mentoring Is The Key To Retaining young Millennials

The mentor is an addition to the new employee’s onboarding plan. A mentor can be, a co-worker, supervisor or team leader.

The traditional way of mentoring was between the employees and their immediate supervisor; it was the regular way of the mentoring relationship. Today we command to look for more professional and skilled mentors.

The mentors hand

Mentoring skills can be developed through training and experience.

When the mentoring relationship is with a supervisor, you do not lose the evaluation aspects of the employee and its influence on his success in your organization

The Mentoring Buddy

Some companies have an employee that does the job of the mentor; some call him buddy. The buddy’s job is to take care of the new employees’ orientation and onboarding. At the same time that the buddy is mentoring he may be a peer of the new employee in the regular work at the workplace.

The buddy’s mentoring job is to assist the new person in becoming fully knowledgeable on his work and be integrated into the company. The buddy will keep this relationship for a long time and may end in being good friends. The buddy will introduce the new worker to the other employees and train the new employee to be comfortable with the actual job.

I am your mentor

When the buddy is good, and the relationship with the new employee is growing to more friendly relations, it is expected that the buddy will take the employee to have lunch with a group of co-workers. Another issue to take care by the buddy is making sure that the new worker will know and meet his superiors.

A good job made by the buddy with a good new worker will bring the company a successful new worker.

Seeking Out Additional Mentors

Over the time a mentor and mentee can develop a stronger relationship in a spontaneous way. The employee can ask for a mentor’s experience to make his career grow.

The unassigned mentors come from the more experienced employees or the managers level who can offer the mentee more information and knowledge that will give the mentee an edge for his growth in the workplace. It can be a department crossing information. For example, a product team member will seek information from the marketing department manager. The product manager is looking for a better understanding of the markets to avoid developing a product that no one will buy. This kind of mentoring will save the company a lot of money and effort that could be invested in a product that does have chances to be sold in the markets.

When an employee discovers that there are career skills that he or she need to improve, Mentoring at this case will be a powerful tool to make thing better for the employee.

Career Mentor Program

This employee that feel the need to improve the skills he or she are missing will seek out the person that have those kills and start having a mentoring relationship with this person trying to learn his or her skills.

A more rare option will be having as mentor someone that is a professional mentor out of his organization. The professional outsider may not know the employee’s inside situation of the employee’s workplace but will offset it by professional experience in other organizations. This outsider should have an active professional association membership.

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