Modern New Roles For Human Resources Professional

Modern New Roles For Human Resources Professional



   By John Wolf

HR is transforming, new critical roles are added

Human resources are a traditional bastion of bureaucracy, the part of the HR managers was exclusively helping the management in controlling the workforce and making recruiting, payroll and terminate employees when the manager told the HR to do it.

The role was more administrative, considered as paperwork more than anything; the HR department was born in the administration or finance department areas.

The role was not more than hiring employees and paying them. The HR had the list of workers and salaries for the paycheck preparing at the payday.

Administrative Role and Executive Agendas

The executive agendas were frequently served by the HR professional as a roadblock for the rest of the organization. Roles like having uniform treatment on sexual harassment for example. Not every manager could handle the employee’s handbook as he or she likes. Payroll and benefits are real administration issues, though it is all managed by computers. The administration functions are yet part of the HR department and need to be controlled and implemented. This tasks will keep being the Hr responsibilities for a long time ahead.

In the old concept of Human resource, employees thought that HR is the enemy, approaching the HR was a negative step and sorry for the worker’s future relationship with your manager. Employees did not take the HR as a friend but as the management’s service.

What was true in many cases, employee complaint often where ignores or taken care with little interest.

The employees criticized everything that had to do with the HR, like their education, professionalism to the support of the workforce. More critical was the employees accusing the HR of misleading the employees, fail in keeping the employee’s confidential information safe, and having poor practices in investigation, benefit option and recruiting new employees.

Essential, it is common to see that the employees hold disrespect to the HR that you will ask yourself why they ate the HR department. It must have a certain level of misunderstanding of what the HR department does.


You need to make sure that your HR staff is aligned with the forward-thinking way of managing HR issues in our times, executive leadership must be on top of the HR department and ask its leaders some tough questions.

A 21st-century organization should not let an HR department to fail in contributing leading modern thinking and yield enhancing company profitability.

The HR environment of transforming. The role of the HR manager, director or executive must parallel the necessity of the changing organization.

To day’s businesses are changing to be more adaptive, resilient, changing direction faster than ever and customer-centered.

The New Three Roles

In today’s environment, the HR professionals are considered essential by the managers and executives as a strategic partner in the leadership of the organization, today’s HR role is more of an employee sponsor, defender, advocate and strategic mentor.

These roles were mentioned by the Human Resource Champions, by Dr. Dave Ulrich, a professor at the University of Michigan.

The organizations that let HR managers innovate and influence while understanding these roles are enjoying growth in strategic utilization of employees for the service of the business goals, and developing talent management.

I am looking at these roles and the impact on HR practice and job realization.

Strategic Partner

73,383 viewsApr 2, 2013, 02:27 pm Does Your Business Have Strategic Partners? Why Not?

Today’s HR managers need to think like a strategic partner in the organization leadership if they want to contribute to the company’s growth. The HR performance as a modern manager will depend on his or her ability to add to the development of and the accomplishment of the organization-wide business plan and objectives.

The HR goals are to establish and support the attainment of the strategic goals. An HR manager has to be profoundly knowledgeable of work systems for success and contribution. Being partner to the strategic planning the HR manager influence the design of positioning in the workplace; hiring; reward, and recognition, pay and appraisal systems. Also career and succession planning, and the development of the employees. When HR people are working in coordination with the business plans and goals they contribute to the success of the company.

The traits and skill that are needed for the success of the HR professional as a business partner are; thinking like a business people, have enough knowledge of finance, accounting and having accountability and responsibility for the cost reduction and being capable to measure the HR programs and processes that are needed to execute in the company.

Tip: Getting a seat on the executive table is not enough; The HR professional will need to prove that the HR manager has the business savvy required to keep the position in the meeting room.

Employee Advocate

What Is Employee Advocacy and How Does It Really Work?

The position of the employee’s sponsor or advocate is an integral role in the success of the company; this role will need knowledge about the advocacy of people. Being an expert on how to make a working environment that people will be motivated to contribute and be happy doing it.

Goal setting methods that are fostered effectively, communication with the workforce and empowerment by responsibility build employee ownership by the company.

The help of the HR professional establishes the culture and climate of the organization. Striving to build a team that has the competency, concern, and the promise to serve customers in the best way.

To achieve the accomplishments of this role, the HR manager will have to show the talent of management strategy, the development of employment opportunities, assistance programs for the employees, and profit sharing approach, develop of organization interventions, the process of employee complaints and solving problems.

Champion of Changes  

Champion of change

Getting into the championing of changes come naturally by the constant evaluation of the success and organizational result by the HR manager.

The HR boss will be exceptionally valued for the knowledge and ability to execute successfully change of strategies.

experienced in how to link changes to the strategy needs of the company, a knowledgeable HR manager will avoid dissatisfaction of the employees and resistance to reforms.

The HR professional additional challenges are, Organization development, change management strategies, overarching discipline.

The HR professional will be championing the mission and vision, the values and action plans of the organization. Finally, the HR department helps defines the measures that will be used by the organization to know how successful are the changes and projects. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Paystub

Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.