Protecting Yourself and Keeping a Pay Stub

Many employees need clarification about which essential documents to protect and which can hit the recycling bin. Some need help in keeping a lot of papers and organizing them. Unfortunately, it is too familiar for employees to misplace or discard the necessary documentation to verify any claim of inaccurate benefit amounts, pay on a salary schedule, the discrepancy in salary, or some other employment dispute regarding the contribution amounts or the number of hours worked in a year.


Pay Stubs Can Protect You?

Apart from the annual employment contract or any related employee information worksheet, it would help if you also kept your pay stubs because these documents provide an explanation of your placement on a salary schedule, dollar amounts of salary, fringe benefits, tax deductions, number of hours worked and other relevant information about your total compensation.


Keeping a copy of each payroll document provided by your employer is essential. You should always review your payroll documents to ensure your compensation are correctly at the level.

Now there must be questions arising in your mind about how long you should protect your pay stubs. You will want to keep your pay stubs for approximately a year. It would help if you held on to pay stubs so that you can use them to verify the accuracy of your Form W-2 when tax season arrives. You will also want to keep a digital or hard copy of the past year’s monthly bank and credit card statements.

Why should you protect your pay stubs?

Every company’s payroll department provides payroll services. It’s a relief to the small business owner that he can hire a professional payroll company to keep them informed and compliant with payroll information. Significantly, the payroll taxes are handled accurately and on time. While your employer is busy in business operations and may miss something, pay stubs are the employees’ records that they got compensated correctly for each pay period.

Therefore, a good employee is the one who keeps the pay stub for future reference. So, be a good employee and consider all these reasons why you might need a pay stub:

As a proof of employment:

  • To refinance a mortgage
  • To secure a loan to purchase a home or a vehicle
  • To obtain a credit card
  • To be accepted as a tenant
  • To obtain retail store credit

For a work reference:

  • To show the number of hours worked per pay period
  • To show where you work and length of employment

To provide proof of:

  • Payment of loan payments
  • Payment of child support
  • Evidence of savings plan
  • Payment of wage garnishments

For Income Tax return filing:

  • Total annual income
  • Total taxes paid
  • Proof of work expenses
  • Proof of health benefits

Before you get confused about how to get past pay stubs, be smart, keep your pay stubs and then keep the last one for the year with your tax records to make your life easier and hassle-free. To know more, visit