To survive and succeed in the modern business world, you need to use a few leadership styles. Some successful leaders use only one style other use more flexible leadership styles. We will review this idea in our article. Leadership styles

The list of styles:

  1. Commanding – Military style demanding an intimidate response and compliance.

  2. Visionary – Someone who motivate people by a vision.

  3. Affiliative – Someone who works with harmony and emotional bonds.

  4. Democratic – Someone who create consensus through fair participation.

  5. Pace-setting – Someone who sets an example with is own high standards and expects their team to take the same way.

  6. Coaching – Someone who let the people to grow for the future through mentoring and training.

Flexible management

A great leader has to know when to use each type of leadership. There is a situation that a commander style is necessary. When something is urgent, and there is no time for any discussion or mentoring. Also when the issue is disciplinary, there is no place for hesitating and arguing when the organization. An autocratic style will not let invocation come into the company. There is time for being Affiliating and time to take the role of a commanding officer.

Workplace Flexibility Definition, Skills, and Examples

Being a democratic leader is limited to some level and for all the managing issues. Mentoring is essential when you want to implement new ideas. It can be said that each moment and every situation. The best leader will know what face to use for the problem and time of the company’s life. The manager’s life is seeing what happens to look for the solution and implement what it needs to be done. What kind of leadership is required for this is one crucial part of being the boss.


A commanding leadership is more like the military style, and it should be used in extreme situations. I would better say that there should not be an authoritative style of leadership but as a quick application of discipline. When your staff is losing unity or lost the way in too many opinions. Sometimes a visionary leader will need to take the reins and impose his vision because the vision is not seen by the subordinate staff.

A complete commanding leadership will not work today. People are not happy to be ruled and left working blindly.

One more reason to be careful with commanding style managing is that it will block any excellent and innovative ideas from germinating in your organization.

A commander style that was used at the slavery time can show you how bad it can go is the phrase “Tie the horse where his master says even if he dies” that his used by salves descendants in some Caribbean Islands. Being a commanding manger is walking on a fragile thread, losing the harmony at the workplace will be doing wrong for business.



You can not command your staff to accept your vision and be innovative or give an order to make new ways of making money or creating new product or services. Innovation is essential for a business to keep being competitive, to do so you need visionary leadership. You should convince your staff that your vision is the right way to go. Visionary leadership requires strong persuasive power. Persuade your staff to take your vision clear and easy to understand, make some meeting with your team where you will be showing you vision with plans and details until all your team will be on the same wave with you.

Characteristics of Visionary Leadership


The affiliate leading the people is an approach that works well when you have recruits that need a short period of adaptation to the style of work at your workplace. Affiliation can counsel team members that have issues among employees in a team. When you are trying to get, your business to implement Diversity and Inclusion in your operation.



Business is not just a society that all members are equal it is an economic operation that has the owners, and the all hierarchy down. It has to make money by working and producing. You are the boss and have the final word, though you can consult your team and let it participate in the process. Employees like to know that their opinion is valued, they feel more satisfied when they are asked their opinion. Sometimes the democratic style can balance stubbornly rigid hierarchy.


Being an example to your employees is a way to show them the way to do their job and the way you want them to act. Leadership works when a leader is a person that is respected by his staff. You will be respected if you come to work at a time and dress well, do your job as a manager and show your people that you can correctly do their job and show your staff how to do it as good as you. This style can be used as a regular way to lead.

Pacesetting Leadership: What It Is and When to Use It


When you recruit new staff, you will need to coach them for some weeks before they will catch up. As a good leader you will know that you need some budget for training of your newcomers. You will have to do some coaching your self, coming close to your new employees will give both sides the opportunity to know each other better. You will be watching the way they learn new thing, and they will have the chance to know your capacity to teach them. Both sides will be closer and create more confidence for future cooperation.

Bringing it all together

There is no way to have good results playing only one type of leadership; I would instead say that the kind of leadership that exists is the leader that knows how to lead is people and use the right way at the right moment and right people of his team.

The Manager

A disciplinary issue will make the commander inside you to pop up. A long-term view of the business will awake the visionary part of your brain to show the vision you have for the company. When you hired some more employees, you will take to work your seance of affiliation and create the possessive atmosphere for the newcomers.

Be flexible with the Democratic, Pace-setting, and Coaching will create a happy workforce that works together and solve the problem with not too many conflicts.

