Read About: How You Can Retain Your Business Best Employees

How You Can Retain Your Business Best Employees


   By John Wolf      

The Retention Efforts Have to Start On the First Day of Employment

How to stop losing your employees

Naturally, you will recruit the best applicants you got to reply your requiting ads. Once you got those employees starting work you need to must make sure that they will not leave you. You do not want to lose the investment of your HR in finding a good worker and train him or her to start being an efficient member of your workforce.

Remember that other people are looking for good employees that you have to compete with them.

The “Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) “revealed in a recent press release that the answer to the question about the people’s plans when the job market will become hotter and more jobs would be available. A majority of the surveyed HR managers answer that turnover will increase significantly when job offers rise.

SHRM and did the survey, included 451 HR professionals and 300 executives and managers.

“We’re surprised by the percentage of executive employees who say they plan to jump ship once hiring rebounds,” says Tony Lee, editor in chief/general manager of “And with 56 percent of HR professionals agreeing that turnover will rise, we’re interested to see what types of retention efforts those companies launch to keep their best employees on board.”

Employees noted the following top reasons that will make them begin looking for a new job:

  • Fifty-three percent will open the search for better wages and benefits.

  • Thirty-five percent expressed that dissatisfaction of the potential to develop their career.

  • Thirty-two percent think that they are ready for a change and new experience.

Some HR professionals answered that a program or policy for retaining your employees would need to have

  • Sixty-two percent offer tuition reimbursement.

  • Sixty percent offer competitive benefits like vacation and holiday.

  • Fifty-nine percent use competitive salaries.

Most (71 percent) of the experts surveyed in big organizations, 500 employees think that. The employment market will have a direct influence on turnover. Low employment will keep people in their jobs, and high demand for workforce will increase voluntary turnover.

Forty-one percent of small companies (1-99 employees) HR staff think that turnover will increase when the market is looking for more employees. Fifty-three percent responded of medium companies (100-499) thought the same as the small companies people.

In addition to the SHRM recommendations, we recommend you these retention strategies as Golden Rules. Small business owner? How you can retain your good workers

How to Retain Your Best Employees

  • Retention starts from the moment you select your new employee. Testing you candidates behavior and screening their competency. Finding the right people for the right job is step number one.

  • Attractive prospects will need an attractive salary, benefits package, life, and disability insurance and flexible working hours.

  • People like to show and share their knowledge, give them the opportunity with training sessions, presentation, mentoring and more team activities.

  • Respect your employees by listening to them, using their ideas and show gratitude. Never ridicule or shame them.

People like to hear about their performance keep them informed by routine feedback about the way they do with their job.

  • Work should be giving joy to the workers, let them work on something they like to do. Doing something you ate to will make you look for a new job.

  • Employees have a life out of the workplace, keep the balance between work and life. The flexible working hour will help your good employee to be a good father or enjoy a hobby to relax from the stress of work.

  • Employees will tend to retain their job with you if you involve them in decisions that may affect their lives.

  • Working means money exchange with time and talent. Let your talented employees feel valued by better pay.

  • Link the company success with the bound to your employees. Take ten percent of the company profit and give it as a bonus to your workers.

  • Celebrate the success of the company together with your employees.

  • Avoid too many overtime hours, it will help you keep those employees that can not or do not want to work over time.

  • Build the organization tradition with activities like Halloween party, or any other company activity that will include the all family of all your staff from the porter and janitor to the CEO and board directors.

  • Career is important, provide opportunities for training, cross-training letting your workforce to feel that there are options for them to move ahead in their career.

  • Career and personal growth are one of the most important things employees are looking for, help them by training, education and mentoring.

  • Communication about goals, roles, and the company look at the employee’s responsibility. Let your staff feel that they are in-crowd

  • A workforce that has a high level of a good and best friend among will stay working though they may have offered some other better conditions.

You read our tips; now it is your job to make your organization that retain its employees for a lifetime, leaving your company at retirement with the golden watch. Remember that your workforce has your company’s know-how, your eyes and hears to the customers, your tradition and everything that makes it work. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog


 Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.

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