Read about the Reasons Why Employees Hate You

Reasons Why Employees Hate You

Learn How to Regain your Employees Respect


   By John Wolf

A good boss makes his employees feel differently than a bad boss;

 employees are happier under a good boss then under a bad boss. A bad boss will create in the employees a feeling of being unappreciated for the work and efforts they have done. People will feel unprepared and insecure for challenges to come and develop animosity for their bosses. Your Employee Engagement Issues

                                                    The look of the boss

The relationship between the employers and their workforce are base on the exchange of the workers time skills and effort into money and other benefits that have economic value like health insurance or the use of companies vehicle. There is nothing about responsibility to like each other, yet if the relationship is tainted with hatred, it will be impossible to reach high performance from the workforce.

Look at your relationship with your workforce, if you see that they hate you, take a look at your ways of managing. You have some things you do in a way that creates negative feelings towards you and your management style. You can not effort having this negative feeling with your employees; it will affect the productivity of your organization negatively.

Do aware of what you’re doing?

Employees will feel when the boss is unsure of himself or faking it; if you try to fool them it will be even worst, they will lose any respect to you and your position. Being honest and open to yourself and your people is what can make people respect you. You do not know something, look for help from the employees that know more about it or an outsider that can teach you and your staff.

Treat employees with respect and be respected?

You can expect to be respected by your staff if you appreciate the employees they will pay you back by respect you. Losing respect to their boss will make workers lose the confidence in you, and the honor to their work too.

Driven crazy by a crazy boss

If you want to raper the damage you may already make, you will need to ask the employees to tell you about what they think you can do to cure the relationship.

Remember that although you are the boss, you need to use the words please and thank you. A team leader is part of the team, do not forget to be there when the work requires you to help, even clipping papers if is what is most important at the moment.

Do you value your employees’ roles on the team?

Are you and the team are one unit with a boss or you are thinking only on yourself leaving the team members alone when it is a hard time and being ahead of them when it is the time to harvest the higher management promotion and awards. Your teammates will never forgive you passing on them and taking the laurel for yourself only. The worst thing to do is blaming the team that they are making their boss look bad; it will be unforgivable by your organization.

You will have better relations with your team if you will give everyone a role in the work. By having a definite position, you will be able to control and monitor who is doing wrong or whose productivity is good enough or excellent, this way you will share the team success correctly between all the teammates.

Do not over manage your good employees.

Letting the employees do their work and resolve the problems, calling you only for the extreme cases to help to solve problems, is the neutral and healthiest way of managing your team. This trust in your employees will make the team contribute significantly more to the work they do. On the other side being a nitpicker and micromanaging the team will turn off their morale and the discretionary energy they can use to make great things for the company.

When you have new employees or move employees from their job to a new one, you need a close look at their training until they are fully trained and work accomplishing the requirements of your organization. You have to leave them alone once they are ready to work without your supervision. If you over-boarding your guidance you can wait for a negative reaction from your employees, they will hate you and leave your company.

Do you supervise each one of your employees?

A good leader will see what the employees are doing, assist some of them and reward others. You need to be close enough to know when you should back off and let them work on there own. Building a good team requires finding the people that know their job very well and let them do their part in the work — watching your team closely for any help they may need. You are the one that has to know when they need advice, be ready for this situation, failing in being the boss that know better will make you lose your team respect.

Looking to the horizon

Respect Working Hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Asking the employees to work overtime and Saturdays for a long time will make your staff hate you. You can have an emergency made of an unusual order and other temporal problem. Keep asking your employees to work nights and weekends, and your employees will hate you. If you do it for some days, you will win the respect of your people if you stay and help them to finish the extra work.

Set your goals with realistic hours or hire some workforce to gain the respect of your employees.

Do not forget to give credit when employees had gained it?

Your workforce morale is important as the skills of your staff. The basics are that you pay for the employees work, but it is not all about worker and employers relationship. Getting credit for the work and the extra effort that an employee will put when he does is tasks is essential. Rewards for achieving goals are good for the morale of the workers.

If you want to mess up your staff morale, take the credit for yourself and forget your teammates.

Throwing them under the bus will create some hate

Taking the employees credit is a bad habit that will produce some hatred. Only throwing the employee under the bus will make stronger hate towards you. What could worst then use your teammate as a victim and save yourself? You are the boss, and your success or failing is as your or more than your employees. The 3 Best Ways to Respond When Your Co-worker Throws You Under the Bus

A meeting

The moment that you betray your teammate it is over for you and him. Doing it to more teammates will bring you to the end of having any respect from your employees. No doubt that your superiors will learn about this and it will be your last day at work in this company. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog




Disclaimer: John Wolf and are making a total effort to offer accurate, good, ethical HR management, employer, and workplace advice.  We do not use the words of an attorney and the content on the site is not given as legal advice. The website has readers from all US states which all have different laws on these topics. The reader should look for legal advice before taking any action.  The information presented on this website is offered as a general guide only and never as legal advice.