Recruiting and Hiring Practices help to gain better diversity part II

PAYSTUBMAKR.COM Presents the second part of the article about recruit and hire of a diverse workforce

5. Hiring Extra Bonuses for recruiting a diverse workforce

You can offer your existing employees to bring in their friends or people they know that can fit the group you already have. Offering a bonus can make it work better than spending in job adds. A new employee that have already someone he knows that can help him or her to adapt quickly to the new working place. You should make it clear that you are looking for diverse recruits, it will avoid having more of the same you already have.

We can see what Intel did in 2015, offering $4,000 in bonus to the employees who referred a woman minority, or veteran to its workforce. You can read more about referral bonuses on

6. Check Your Interview Questions and Assessments

Have you tried to interview people with a conversation and not a test? A chat with a person can make you know him better than testing him under pressure. Read the Requiter’s article about 6 Psychological Biases That Trip Up Interviewers

Human is emotional beings we will need to force ourselves to be objective when we are looking for new employees. Are Workplace Personality Tests Fair?

Use a team of interviewers to have more than one opinion; this will neutralize wrong views based on impulse or some personal reasons for dislike a candidate.

7. Examine Your Own Biases

Taking the steps we mentioned above is not eliminating your subjective element to the hiring process. Your own biases are hiding inside your personality, and you need to work on correcting them or keeping them out of your decision making when you hire new employees and look for more diversity in your workforce.

Unconscious biases are not floating, but when you interview a candidate, you can test yourself using this website  Project Implicit. You can test yourself and learn about your feelings to different groups in your society. Keep your mind open and wait to be successful

Monster’s article Learn About Employee Referral Programs

Joining your staff in the mission will be profitable for you and your employees concerning money and as a team.

6. Check Your Interview Questions and Assessments

Have you tried to interview people with a conversation and not a test? A chat with a person can make you know him better than testing him under pressure. Read the Requiter’s article about 6 Psychological Biases That Trip Up Interviewers

Human is emotional beings we will need to force ourselves to be objective when we are looking for new employees. Are Workplace Personality Tests Fair?

Use a team of interviewers to have more than one opinion. That will neutralize wrong views based on impulse or some personal reasons for dislike a candidate.

7. Examine Your Own Biases

Taking the steps we mentioned above is not eliminating your subjective element to the hiring process. Your own biases are hiding inside your personality. You need to work on correcting them or keeping them out of your decision making when you hire new employees and look for more diversity in your workforce.

Unconscious biases are not floating, but when you interview a candidate, you can test yourself using this website  Project Implicit. You can test yourself and learn about your feelings to different groups in your society. Keep your mind open and wait to be surprised with your diversity project.

Overcoming you biases takes time, it is not that simple and easy to self-learning, once you are aware of your biases you can start to overcome them. More people are involved in hiring your staff. Let them take the test too. A bias training as a group will help also.

8. Expand Your Network

To hire diverse people, you need to let them know that you have open jobs. Doing your job adds available to the right people is easy when you know what or where they read looking for jobs. Learn the magazines and websites that each dimension on your list for diversifying your workforce.

As we mentioned before the people that are networking in this organizations can pass the voice on your recruiting.

For example, if you want to open your door to LGBTQ society, you should go to the organization that is close to the LGBTQ and talk to their staff. You can learn a lot about this particular community issues and at the same time get a recommendation or get this organization publishes you to job openings to their members.

9. Create Formal Programs

One way to get a response from a specific group is to concentrate on a particular group with a program dedicated to this group. It is easier to learn this group needs and problems that make the tradition of exchanging information about jobs and build landing mate at the workplace. Read about big companies that have successful diversity programs 10 Companies Around the World That Are Embracing Diversity in a BIG Way You can find disabled with higher motivation at work. It is a good reason for you to make the effort of recruit them and create happiness on the personal level and your business too.


We reviewed the techniques to get diversity in your workforce. Learning about other companies success to achieve the goal of requiring a diverse workforce. We may start first with the people we have working for your company they must be favorable towards the divested newcomers. If your men are chauvinist or the majority is homophobic or racist, it will not worse investing and working so hard to recruit the diverse staff. Do not forget that our society suffers from racism, chauvinism homophobia and xenophobia, in a way it is like swimming against the current. Diversity worth doing for all the reason mentioned in these articles.

Being a help to the people, making more money makes diversity in the working place a win-win situation. thanks you for visiting and reading this article.