Tax reform affect on Pass-Through Entities Part 2/2

  • about Tax Reform’s effect on Pass-Through Entities.

    Continuing of the article, how to figure the QBI of a specific business:

    • We will exercise for a single taxpayer whose taxable income is $200,000 plus $100,000 of taxable income from his Plastic Surgery Clinic, which makes a W-2 salary of $90,000.
    • The way to figure the deduction is, by calculating the applicable percentage of 15%, The threshold sum of $200,000 equal to $175,000 
    • 15% of $100,000 are $15,000, and W-2 salaries equal to 15% of the $90,000 that are $13,500.
    • When we apply the applicable percentage, the result for deduction is the lesser 20% of QBI included. the 20% of the $15,000 = $3,000. or 50% of W-2 salaries. $13,500’s 50% = $6,750 or the mentioned above $3,000


    New rules, limitations for depreciation and expensing. IRS

  • Paystubs printed it 1,2,3

For a specified service business with a taxable income exceeding the threshold amount with an added Phase-in range of $207,500. Or for a taxpayer that files individually and $415,000 for a married one that files jointly. The deduction is, the 20% of the $15,000 = $3,000. or 50% of W-2 salaries. $13,500’s 50% = $6,750 or the mentioned above $3,000

Kings tax collectors

Flow-Through Entity

For a specified service business with a taxable income exceeding the threshold amount with an added Phase-in range of $207,500. Or for a taxpayer that files individually and $415,000 for a married one that files jointly. You need to recover the deduction entirely. The old pass-through is applied, and tax is paid using the individual tax rate, lost completely. The old pass-through is applied, and tax to pay using the personal tax rate.
Salay and capital limits are fully applied for a taxpayer, not a specified service business, exceeding the threshold amount plus the phase-in range ($207,500 for individual taxpayers and $415,000 for a married taxpayer filing jointly).
For all other businesses, the wage (and capital) limits begin to kick in if your taxable income exceeds the threshold amount.

Tax collector

Phase-in influence, the final numbers in the following way.

Wages and capital limit: More than 50% of W-2 salary with relation to the trade or business or the total of 25% of W-2 salary plus 2.5% of the unadjusted basis, right after the acquisition of all property that was qualified.

Adding to the formula the qualified property accommodates those businesses that rely on the acquisition of capital as real estate is. The “W-2 rule” expanded to salaries and capital all included. 

Tax money counting

 Payroll deduction is presented on the paystub

Here is an example of how it will be working with salary and capital:

  • A taxpayer has W-2 $5,000 and $200,000 worth of equipment purchased and put in service during a tax year.
  • Remembering the first part of the formula, 50% of the W-2 salary is $2,500
  • The second part of the formula: 25% of W-2 salaries plus 2.5%of unadjusted basis that is equal to $6,250
  • $6,250 is the greater amount to use to calculate the deduction. Note: There needs to be more information to calculate an actual figure. You need to include the data in the QBI total income. We presented only an illustration that shows how to use the formula to see the wage and capital limit. In the case of selling the qualified property before the end of the tax year, the option to use it when calculating the formula is no longer possible.

We expect The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to clarify the rule in case of like-kind exchanges or involuntary conversions.

Involuntary Conversions 

Tax collector punishes a taxpayer that did not pay

A taxpayer that is over the threshold amounts can put QBI and salary (and capital) limit together and figure his deduction.

Paystubs are tax managing subjects

The whole formula works together in the following example:

  • Taxpayer, jointly with his spouse, filed a joint return reporting taxable income of $350,000. His business which is not a specified service business, had an income of $75,000, and his share of the W-2 salary paid by his own business was $20,000. No qualified property in this case.
  • Formula A will be 20% or $15,000 of the qualified business income.
  • Using formula B will be 50% of W-2 salary or $10,000 (as 25% of W-2 plus 0 is $5,000. The larger amount is to use under the salary and capital limit formula part.
  • When B is less than A, the salary and capital limit is in effect, so the taxpayer deduction is reduced according to the phase-in.
  • The percentage that applies is 35% calculating this way $350,000-$315,000 threshold amount)/$100,000
  • The applicable percentage of $414,000 less the $315,000 threshold amount divided by $100,000, or 99%
  • Reducing the tentative QBI deduction of $15,000 A. by the balance between A and B (or $5,00) X 99% of the applicable percentage ($5,000 x 35% = $4,950).
  • The taxpayer deduction will be $4,950 ($15,000 – $4,950.
  • Deduction of $15,000 of Formula A by the balance between the formulas A and B. $5,000 of the 35% applicable percentage ($5,000×35% = $1,750.
  • The taxpayer can assume that with a greater applicable percentage, there will be more than the salary limit applies. Here is an exercise that shows what happens when there is $1,000 less than the highest of the range.

    Applicable Percentage Table IRS



The limit will be applied when the taxpayer reaches the top of the range.

It makes no difference what formula you will use; the taxpayer may be within his taxable income for the year when his QBI net amount is negative (a loss). He will forward the loss to the next tax year.

All of the above has nothing to do with taxable income in the business. The limit will be applied when the taxpayer reaches the top of the range. The expanses of the company are deductible as its cost of delivers the second part of the article 

Paystubs and payroll are tax issues team hope that this blog was helpful and you enjoyed reading it.