The mental struggle of a freelancer

Presented by your best online pay stub generator  08-01-2019         

   By John Wolf  

 Many freelancers or gig workers are suffering from depression at this moment. You can read the stats in this article. What’s more important is that one in six.   – Workers may suffer from common mental health problems such as OCD, anxiety PTSD, and depression.  

 Working from your home can give you a better work/life balance, more time with your family, and flexible working hours. Working from your home will reduce the pressure and destruction of an open workplace with coworkers interrupting your work. Unfortunately, there is an emotional toll on the gig workers even though they work from home wearing shorts, t-shirts, and flipflops. They can suffer from stress and burnouts. 

Working alone at home will disconnect the gig worker from the social life of a regular workplace. 

Stressed gig worker is crying

The U.K Epsom made a recent survey show that 48% of gig freelancers that are working from home told the surveyors that they fill  “lonely” at times and 46% admitted that freelancing is “isolating.” way of work. Freelancing can aggravate your mental health problems if you do not balance it by a healthy routine. If you want to read more go to the 

An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations. Article

Adverse psychosocial working conditions and subjective health in freelance media workers

Below are four vital tips to guide you to work in that direction.

1. Learn how to put your priority 

You can not escape your boss; he is always in your background. You will have to deal with yourself when you want to take some off time from your home office. If you chose to much time off it will be on your own conscious, you will enjoy one more bear in the pub, but it is you that will be late in delivering your job to your client. There is no other coworker to count on. It is you and only you to resolve the problems.

It is easy to fall into filling guilty for any interruption by one of your kids or your wife. The pressure that you put on yourself will create the stress you try to avoid when you started to work as a freelancer.

It would help if you learned how to avoid being a critic on yourself, Take care of your “to-do list” in a way that you can get things done and have time for the family and social life. Celebrate your winnings on a daily base. One way to celebrate can be to exercise the Three good things you made every day or week. By looking at the positive parts of your routine, you will gain feeling happier and refueled    

2. Socialize do not stay in your rathole  

As I am a freelancer, I can tell you that there are days that I stay home all day long, disconnected from the outer world. To avoid being a “lonely freelancer.” I socialize taking time to go out with family and friends. I have my facebook account with 5000 friends that help me to take short breaks from writing.      942346iL

Socialization and networking can be described as:

 “Regularly interacting with other people is utterly important for those working solo,”

said Cynthia Telles, Director, UCLA Hispanic Neuropsychiatric Center of Excellence.

“However, despite the common line of advice, freelancers should stop seeking the company of other freelancers. When the people you see the most experience the same woes and deal with the same anxieties, you can find yourself trapped into a feedback loop of pressure and stress, aggravated by the experience of your peers.”

Open yourself to people that are not from your working circles and daily lifestyle. It can be a reading books club or some sport or yoga lessons. A hobby can do you good for disconnection from your work and the same old routine. 

3. Create a Budget for better forms of self-care


When there is pressure on you, because you are being late or getting nowhere with your writing, you can feel guilty and not deserving anything good. The reality is just the opposite; you need to do something that will be a treat and take you out of this state of mind. To avoid this situation, you need to treat yourself by doing activities that will push you out of the negative magic circle. Taking a walk in a park is a good idea that can let you forget the pressure and energize yourself. Joining meditation can do it for you. Do not forget that small thing like drinking enough water while checking your facebook page can recharge you too. Treat do not have to be an expansive or time-consuming activity.

Looking at your immediate environment, you can find a lot of small things that will improve your working conditions. Ergonomic chair, desk, and keyboard will make the difference between getting fatigued after shorter working hours or staying fresh and keep producing for more hours. Your work needs your brain and intellect to be creative and productive, treat them well, and enjoy feeling well and making more money at the same time. 

4. Learn from rejection and critics

Remember that rejection and critics are the mirrors that can tell you what to do better. Fear of criticism or rejection is a significant barrier, one of the others that may be holding you back from becoming a happy freelancer.

As a gig worker and freelancer, you are on your own, for the good or bad it is only you that get the clients complaints there are no co-workers to blame or share the pressure of an unhappy client. Learn to take the clients words easy, learn the lesson, or dump some clients that will never be happy with your work because they do not know what they want.   

  The critics are touching the personal passion for being a real writer or designer. A corporate designer will be doing what the company asked him or her to do and will take the credit or critics on it. 

5. Working in a coworking space

Feeling lonely working from home? You can try to work from a coworking space.  Learn about the coworking spaces  

A coworking space is a place that people like gig workers can rent as their workplace. A coworking space is built like an office with many work stations in the same area. The freelancers’ renters share that. It will have some complete offices and conference room too; those will be used by some people that work together on a startup or other joint activity. Working stations and bigger units can be rented by hours, day, or months. Coworking spaces are trendy these days, and their popularity is growing every day.


If you are rejected frequently, you need to see if you can learn to do better or not. Taking some lessons may help you to do a better job. Do not be afraid to make mistakes; just look at how to do better. Do not let your stress win you; use some help on how to cope better with your struggle.

Try  Beverly Flaxington suggestions: 

  • Practice reframing. Start looking on your self as someone that is going to break the ice and get orders soon. You are like every new freelancer, waiting for the first job to come in more quickly. 
  • Feed your self-confidence. List the thing you already had achieved and celebrate each success, no matter how small it is.  

Never forget that failing is the way to success; just look at what you got criticized learn how to do better and try again. 

Being a professional writer or designer needs not only has the skills, but it also has the spirit and strength to keep trying and get up every time you fall, clean the dust from your cloth and keed striving.  Acting this way will give you stronger mental health to resist other daily struggles and keep being a productive freelancer. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog      Pays tub online


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