Training at the paramount, managers need to be trained

Training at the paramount, managers need to be trained present you this article about training managers

One of the Army motto’s is “ Sweat saves blood” meaning training save your life. In management it should be “training saves face” means training keep updated and bring with it the success.

The HR department can take an important role in keeping the company’s superior management updated and highly trained for better results at leading the organization toward success.

Back to schools for the boss

You can reach the highest echelon with the corner office and be in the position to make something of your organization; you are on the top of the pyramid

“It’s when – for many – ‘busy’ takes on a whole new meaning,” he adds. “Where the network comes into play and the time to develop is no longer necessary. You feel that you won it because you are the best in the world and there is nothing left for you to learn, you think that you are too busy to go back to school.

Seating on the board – the paramount of your organization – your responsibilities are much more complex; you will need to update yourself to the change in size and to the change in technologies and modern methods of management to be on edge leading and serving at the same time their people.

Staying in the same place will move you back while learning and updating will move you ahead. As an old phrase tells. Do not sleep on your laurels

Updating the team

The leader must be the skilled person in the organization.

When old time corporate is falling after many years of doing good has to do with neglecting the refreshment and updating of the organization’s senior management. Today’s world is changing fast on all accept, a director needs to know about the new marketing methods, online operation as publicity, E-commerce, Social network, new technologies and more. Without being on top of all the last changes the director will lose the opportunities in the lucrative new markets.

How can you make a strategic decision that will make your business successful in the near or medium future if you do not know what is coming in the markets, what the new ways of communication, the new product that can put your production out of the market?

Keep developing your professional leadership. It is one way of avoiding becoming one of the “Has Been” an essential aspect of success

Nokia, Blackberry and Kodak are examples of failing to see what changes are coming.

Operation with out of date information and refusing to stop being busy with the day to day chores, and take your decisions intuitively and instinctively will make you use only part of your capacity or even worse making a big mistake.

All your middle staff together

Leadership skills

Leading is an important part of a director job, Learning to use executive leadership will help him to be a better leader.

Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers. Bellow is a quote from Soft skills

“Hard skills are skills you can gain through education, training programs, certifications, and on-the-job training. These are typically quantifiable skills that can be easily defined and evaluated. For example, a hard skill for an IT professional might be computer programming, while a hard skill for a carpenter might be knowledge of wood framing. Soft skills, on the other hand, are interpersonal (people) skills. These are much harder to define and evaluate. While hard skills are job-specific, most employers are looking for similar soft skills in their job candidates. Soft skills include communication skills, listening skills, and empathy, among others.”

When your company grew from a small startup to a medium-size operation. Or from medium to big corporation everything is changing. It is a new culture that you have to create and implement. The first change that you have to deal with is your own.

Being on top of the organization means becoming a leader, not many people had proper training for leadership. Some cannot tell you what the leadership philosophy is, what are the principles or what traits make a great leader.

Great leadership requires influencing, integrity and honesty.

“It’s no good having high intelligence, good idea, and a great vision if you can”t make your staff follow you and make it happen.”

There’s the list of softer skills

  • Sound business judgment

  • Ability to debate constructively

  • Challenge rigorously

  • Sensitive to the views of others

  • Trusted and respected

Breadth and depth

Training for board members proves very difficult. It may be better to develop your plan for the training of you directors for the medium and senior level.

Your HR will be the natural department to take the leading role in developing strategies for a directors development.

Training should have an inductions period starting at day on board and ongoing training.

HR role must be proactive for the training of the directors level. And keep its position as

HR first role is assuming the responsibility for the overall recruitment agenda and secondly being the head for organizational learning and professional development

“The chief for organizational learning and professional development with responsibility for the overall recruitment agenda.”

A dynamic HR team action should find Allies in the boardroom to build more influence and use it for more training to the directors. team hope that you enjoyed reading this blog, and offers you our article listed below.

1. Executive Support and Leadership in Change Management

2. Leadership Skills

3. From a small company to managing a big enterprise Part ½

4. From a small company to managing a big enterprise Part 2/2