4. The way to Effective Diversity and Inclusion Training

Now we will see what kind of exercise can make the diversity and inclusion work. We will see in this section the training that works.

Start With the “Why”

We will start by answering the question, “Why you are there” What made you think of diversity and inclusion in your business?

Why it is important or interesting to your business to look for diversity and inclusion in your company, and the way it can help your businesses. We also need to see the benefits to the individuals. How it will make the employees perform better at work and what is the specific outcome they can expect.

For more about business and diversity read more in the following article.Ad

The research made by Dobbin and Kalev shows something interesting. While mandatory diversity training led to advantages of the diversity in your workforce

Awareness and Skills Training

As we read in the first part diversity training can be focused on building awareness or building skills. You can read in Two Types of Diversity Training That Work about the best training programs mixing of both types. Read the quotes below:

A recent meta-analysis of over 40 years of diversity training evaluations showed that diversity training can work, especially when it targets awareness and skill development and occurs over a significant period of time.”

Working on the awareness and skills is the apparent way the create the change in the people’s mind that will join both factors. As a result of this change things like unconsciousness bias and the trait of looking through the eyes of other people.

Having the people reaching the training level I mentioned above permit you to give one more step ahead giving the employees some concrete skills to use in the workplace. This the time to use the unconscious bias tests together with the privilege awareness exercises By doing this two training tools you can build the job-related skills such as role-playing scenarios that will help your managers the raise their communication skills. Another way to get better training and better result is making a programmed and tailored for your recruitment managers to teach them how to recruit with diversity in mind.

Make It Voluntary

The Dobbin and Kalev research I mentioned before shows exciting facts. Making the training voluntarily and not obligatorily increased the number of women and minorities in the workforce.

The hardest part his to bring voluntarily to the training those people that need it more than others. I mean those that have the race bias as a norm from home or those that are not adapted to the women liberation ideas.

If you force this person, it will be wasting time and money as that more than likely they will react negatively. It will need some praise for doing the tracing.

A positive approach will help more than punitive one let the people feel that they do good for themselves too.

The chart is from the Harvard Business review Why Diversity Programs Fail

Encourage Mentoring

You can see in the above chart that the results from mentoring very good. Mentoring is not “training” it more looking for the “heart” of the people. Is more than training it is planting a positive approach to Diversity in a workplace. Teaching tricks and tectonics to people that do not have the motivation to use them will end with the lost time and money on the training and the expected benefits from diversity and inclusion. Though monitoring cannot be called training it is the key to the taring to be listened and applied to the real life.

Mentoring for all the employees and managers up to the CEO will help the whole workforce to experience more contact with different backgrounds groups. Diversity acceptances is needed through all the levels of your operation; it is like a chain work if one link is missing your chain will not rich the goal.

Mentoring is one essential part of your effort to achieve successful diversification of your employees and the benefits that come with it.

Diversity and Inclusion Embed in Other Training

If you see the diversity as something that matters to your company you better incorporate the training for diversity with all the training given to your workforce.

As an example, you can add to your salesperson training a chapter that teaches them to sell to people from different backgrounds.

The same with training communications skills let your people train with other dimensions employees. It will help them to communicate with the new diverse employees and of course with clients of other backgrounds than themselves.

One important thing to do is mixing those trainees into Multi-backgrounds classes.

Be Inclusive

Create the atmosphere of inclusion by looking for as many dimensions as you can. You can read about: Different Dimensions of Employees Diversity

Set Goals and Measure Progress

Your project will need to have clear goals a means to measure its progress. That applies to diversity and inclusion training as part of your whole plan for diversity and inclusion of your workforce.

You can not expect the people to react actively to gain goals if you do not put the goals written in front of the participants. To know the status and achieves the goals of your project you need to measure the progress. Your goals should be achievable by your employees of a dimension that more likely to suffer from inappropriate speak, like not staying silent when this kind of bias happens.

The goals of the company can be measured by recruits of different backgrounds and how many are left after a certain time. And the profits and innovation curve parallel to the recruit of minorities, gender or other backgrounds. The time that all this change accrues is important information for the success measures.


As you read in this article diversity and inclusion training can be hard to do and get good results for the individuals that participate and the company that is looking for the benefit of it, more than avoid legal issues. Get a successful project will time more than anything the will to push with all his heart, money, and time. Or in other words, if you do not believe in it and push by all means to make it happen, article