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Some academic research is showing a decline in women and minorities management positions. What is going wrong? Diversity and inclusion were expected to make people more conscious of the topic and treat better their colleagues of different dimensions, and help them to enjoy the advantages of Diversity in a workplace.

Advantages of the diversity in your workforce

Diversity in a workplace is a delicate issue, for example, gender and race are part of the society since the dawn of humanity. Employers do not invest in the training of their employees how to accept diversity and build in them the opposite and create resentment to diversity.

Diversity on payroll

The reaction of the people that are close to the diversity world was to look for better ways or training systems for the workplaces that are starting with diversity plans. You can use this set of best practices in your business.

This article will show you what diversity training is, why it is essential, and why it fails

In this a, you’ll learn what diversity training is, why it’s necessary, and what form it takes. Then we’ll see why so much diversity training fails, before learning how to do it better. Our target is to let you know how to avoid failing in you diversity project. And achieve the goal with your diversity and inclusion.

Diversity is born from the heart

1. Diversity and Inclusion the Training?

First, we will define what diversity and inclusion training is. Working with people from different backgrounds need some training, It may be easier to accept the other employees if you know more about the difficulties it has.

There are a few forms of executing the diversity and inclusion training. You can take a specialist facilitator to come to your company to give his training running sessions to different groups of your employees.

As many colors, relgions or genders as you can

Other ways can be using written stuff sent online so your employees will be able to read it on their own time or use the old way by printing and asking the people to read it. Inclusion and Diversity Training

The first option of taking a specialist will be the best way as it is done by an expert not waiting for the employees to read it during their free time and understand it or not. You can use any of this ways as far as it gives you the result you are looking for.

2. Why Is Diversity & Inclusion Training Important?

Proper training for diversity and inclusion can help your company to have the Advantages of the difference in your workforce. Your essential factors like Decision making, happier customers and stuff, profits and innovation. Can get much better rates of success when you have a successful diversity and inclusion process.

Diversity and inclusion training is not a magical trick, it can take time, and more practice repeating the same lessons and not make the changes you are looking for.

Training is only one part of a program you should make to promote and accomplish your diversity project. Training is an essential part of your diversity project. No matter what you will add to the practice and what effort you will do if your people are expressing bias on the day to day decisions. Diversity and inclusion training will open you employees mind to wider perspectives and better performance.

The fact that you invest in training for your diversity help you too. It was found that the example is relevant. Employees will take your possession of diversity and do the best to help you with this project and will feel inculcated. That will increase their ability to innovate.

Mix well your workforce

3. Why So Much Diversity Training Fails

Training can teach the people to do things they do not know; feelings are not something you can train people, feeling you can try to create by interaction. When we discuss diversity and inclusion in a workplace, we are dealing with feelings and cultural issues.

As we are talking about business money is the motive for any action and so is the effort to diversify the workforce of the business. It is proven that diversity can make benefits like more money and innovation for the company, profits are a positive reason to invest in it.

The Equal Employment Opportunity laws are the other reason for the companies to invest in training of their staff for better diversity results. This is a negative approach to the topic. Training with threats about a lawsuit for discrimination is not as effective as it is not changing the feelings of the people. Your employees will not stop being racist or chauvinist. Their unconscious bias will not disappear because of the fear of a lawsuit.  

The Harvard Business Review was written by Frank Dobbin, a professor of sociology at Harvard, and Alexandra Kalev, an associate professor at Tel Aviv University.

It shouldn’t be surprising that most diversity programs aren’t increasing diversity,” wrote Dobbin and Kalev. “Despite a few new bells and whistles, courtesy of big data, companies are doubling down on the same approaches they’ve used since the 1960s—which often make things worse, not better.”

They conclude that: Mandatory diversity training led to fewer women and minorities in management positions.

People do not like to be ordered what to think and how to feel about something they already have feelings and opinions. Diversity training that is forced on the employees will create the opposite results. Feeling like they are punished and brainwashed they will react aggressively to diversity. Again from Kalev and Dobbin:

Trainers tell us that people often respond to compulsory courses with anger and resistance—and many participants actually report more animosity toward other groups afterward.”


One more problem with Training diversity inclusion is the lake of relationship to the work day to day life. Participants in the training do not put what they learned into practice when they are back at the office and let it fade away.

Villanova management professor Quinetta Roberson quotes :

We saw examples where employees would go back to their job excited about what they learned, but their managers would say, ‘I don’t care about all that diversity stuff. You’ve been gone for a day or two. I need you to do X, Y and Z.’ ”

When Diversity and inclusion training is done only to comply with the regulation and law and avoid the risk from lawsuits, no one takes diversity seriously when the company is not interested in diversity and its possible benefits.

We will continue this article in the next published blog thanks you for reading this article.