Why Are Fake Pay Stubs Illegal?

The practice of using fake pay stubs.

For several years now, the typical corporate finance department has begun to see a new problem, the practice of using fake pay stubs. That has taken a toll on accountants, loan brokers, and small business owners. The problem is responsible for the deterioration of the relationships with banks and lenders. That is leading to fines and legal actions.

Reasons For Fake Pay Stubs Scams

When applying for credit, pay stubs are essential documents that prove employment and financial stability. They are particularly important when seeking a car or subprime auto loan. A pay stub helps to establish trust between the applicant and the lender.

Industry studies have found that 80% of fraudulent incomes reported in loan applications are due to misinterpretations of original forms. However, individuals with no or low income sources can find alternative ways to qualify for a loan without resorting to fake pay stubs.

Loan applicants may also encounter difficulties if they haven’t been in their current job for long enough, earn most of their income from cash or tips, or don’t have a job at all.


When applying for credit, pay stubs are essential documents that prove employment and financial stability. They are particularly important when seeking a car or subprime auto loan. A pay stub helps to establish trust between the applicant and the lender. 

Industry studies have found that 80% of fraudulent incomes reported in loan applications are due to misinterpretations of original forms. However, individuals with no or low income sources can find alternative ways to qualify for a loan without resorting to fake pay stubs. 

Loan applicants may also encounter difficulties if they haven’t been in their current job for long enough, earn most of their income from cash or tips, or don’t have a job at all.


When applying for credit, pay stubs are essential documents that prove employment and financial stability. They are particularly important when seeking a car or subprime auto loan. A pay stub helps to establish trust between the applicant and the lender. 

Industry studies have found that 80% of fraudulent incomes reported in loan applications are due to misinterpretations of original forms. However, individuals with no or low income sources can find alternative ways to qualify for a loan without resorting to fake pay stubs. 

Loan applicants may also encounter difficulties if they haven’t been in their current job for long enough, earn most of their income from cash or tips, or don’t have a job at all.


Mediums By Which One Can Create Fake Pay Stubs

  • While forging pay stubs is not a new concept, today, consumers use online sources to create these fake pay stubs through the services of some specific sites that make bogus verifications and references. These websites are easy to use and only require basic information to create a forged pay stub in minutes. 
  • Some video websites have surfaced that can teach anyone interested in how to create fake pay stubs to get a precise pass from the ‘loan authorities.’ 
  • Some audacious consumers even create their pay stubs, which is considered bank fraud and can damage a car dealership or intermediaries’ relationships with their banks and other lenders.

False Benefits of Fake Pay Stubs

Consumers fall into the false privileges of acquiring the desired loan. These include misinterpreted education grades and levels, fake companies, high salaries, and duped employment duration, to name a few. The expectation is that these can help the applicant increase their chances of getting a car or an apartment loan and get better terms and qualifications for the intended loan.
Unfortunately, these forged documents pose a significant risk to lenders if they go without notice and can deteriorate the lender, intermediary, and borrower relationship. For a middleman, such as a car dealership, loan broker, or rental management company, these relationships are critical to their success. So one has to be aware of the consequences of these frauds.

Results of Getting Involved In This Forgery

Income fraud is the easiest to perform and the most difficult to identify by the lender. Still, before going any further with this process, one must know that creating any such phony pay stub is illegal and off-limits! That can result in a misdemeanour and felony, costing offenders incarceration and fines. It can also jeopardize the business if it knowingly accepts these fake pay stubs. Such things as felonies are not something you want to carry around with you as they are pretty hard to eliminate.

How to Outsmart the Fake Pay Stub Scams

The best way to avoid these scams is to be aware of the math behind your pay stubs, as you can then tell when your online pay stub provider is calculating inconsistent deductions. If the numbers and decimals do not align, you are probably looking at a forged pay stub. To minimize how frequently businesses encounter fraudulent paychecks in the future and curb these cases, You need to verify the applicant’s income and background properly. 

By taking cautious steps, anyone can avoid this growing problem. Since you read this far, you are serious about taking control of your finances and learning more about your paycheck stubs. Paystubmakr.com allows you to instantly print paystubs calculated with industry-standard taxation schedules through a partnership with the official tax code provider.