Your workplace can be a better place when you build empathy part 2

Not everyone experiences the same feelings at the same issues as you do, though, so act carefully, which leads to step four.

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   By John Wolf

Check Your Instinct to Act Empathetic

You cannot be empathetic if you get close to someone and tell him or her “Hi I am sure that you are not happy with the low rise you got.” no one will feel your empathy this way. That word will not pass over well.

Engraving by Barlow Wellcome

6 Things You Need to Know About Empathy

Test your instinct for empathy and improve it. Remember Mary from the example at the begging of this article, she was receiving a new, heavy working project. You examined your feeling about receiving the same kind of work, you remember you felt overwhelming and enthusiastic about it. You went to see if Mary is feeling the same. Consider the following:

  • Ask yourself why do you care about her feelings? If it is no more then curiousness, forget about it. If Mary is a closer co-worker that you share some insights or you are already good friends, you will help her by checking about her feelings will make her feel your support.

  • Once you know how your co-worker feels, you have to choose your action. If you are looking to help Mary you need to tell her your true feelings about her new mission. Tell her that you are happy about her new project and you will help her in any way she wants. Be careful to feel her real emotion about the new project, she may be unhappy about it as it is taking her to fields she does not like. It may be taking her far from her main interest at work.

    Empathy’s Natural, but Nurturing It Helps

With the knowledge about Mary, you better approach her with an open talk like Ho Mary I heard the news about your new assignment, that great. I would feel overwhelmed by this kind of job but at the same time excited about the opportunities it may open. What are your feelings about your new project?

Note that you tell Mary your feelings and ask her about hers, leaving Mary the options to answer sharing with you or just thank you and not share her personal feeling about her new project. Do not add pressure on Mary she may be worried about the new task and did not build her response to the new situation. Mary may prefer replying to you later when she will finish making her analysis on the news.

Empathy shown on faces

No matter what was Mary’s answer, she is your teammate, you are the person she may expect to help her. In the case that she tells you about her excitement and she is overwhelmed, express your congratulation for her next step up on the ladder of her career.

Offer Mary any help you can give. If she says no thanks, “I have made such a project in the past, it will be as easy as a piece of cake.”Reply by expressing something positive about here capacity of doing this kind of job.

If Mary starts crying that this project will ruin the future of her career. It will take to much time of her family because of too many overtime hours will be needed and she thinks that this is a punishment or her low sales in the last quarter. Stay tuned to here feeling be there for her by words of empathy.

You opened the door for Mary to cry on your shoulder. Mary is your co-worker and friend, you have to take care of your friend at happy days the same as at the sad and unhappy moments.

Being there for your colleagues is what makes the workplace to be empathetic and have a more successful performance. 2018 State of Workplace Empathy

Businessolver’s Chief Executive Jon Shanahan say that there are two groups viewing differently the exhibiting of empathy in the workplace.

“It’s time to change perceptions and increase our standards for empathy and it’s clear that increased workplace diversity makes organizations more empathetic. However, the perception of women in leadership is skewed and distorted, as nearly 50% of men and about 30% of women think women are well-represented in leadership in companies where only one in ten senior leaders is a woman. CEOs are no longer free to sit on the sidelines and delegate workforce culture to their HR tea or other staff they need to be part of the change in conversation if they want to stay ahead of their competitors and equally important, engaged with all employees -both the senior executives and the interns.”

Empathy can be trained like muscles say, Shanahan, the more you practice the better empathy you can build.

“A large percentage of those surveyed in our study showed interest in empathy training. Further, about 80% of employees would be eager to participate in a variety of empathy skills training initiatives, including internal or external workshop, online courses, and one-to-one coaching. An even higher percentage of CEOs (90%) expressed the same level of interest.”

A workplace that achieved building high levels of empathy with its workforce will enjoy much better understanding between its co-worker.

The feeling of one team that push to the same goals for the company and for each one of the teammates.

When you feel that your employees are thinking about their mates and care to show to each other. When empathy dominates a workplace, it is easier to cross negativity at the workplace. Your people will help each other to feel more positively about the workplace and co-workers. team thanks you for a visit and reading this blog
